Fat Magnets, Chitosan, and Soap

Written by Dr. Donald A. Miller

Continued from page 1

Soap helps in cleaning because it helps fat to emulsify (or soponify or saponify) in water, that isrepparttar fat molecules become distributed in water containing soap. The alkali end ofrepparttar 114994 soap molecule loves water, andrepparttar 114995 fat end is attracted to fat. Ifrepparttar 114996 fats to be removed start out in solid form,repparttar 114997 water can be heated.

Many recipes can be found through Google search for making soap. Some include boric acid, sodium carbonate, aromatic oils, added heat, and so forth, along with water, fat, and alkali. Be warned that sodium and potassium hydroxide are caustics which can attack skin, aluminum pans, et cetera. Lye, or sodium hydroxide, is well known as a drain cleaner, and can cause burns, even death, if used carelessly. Simply pouring lye and liquid fat together can make a smelly, hot mess, not yet a usable soap.

Doesrepparttar 114998 ability of soap to emulsify fats make it a dietary supplement to reduce fat absorption? I don't think so. Even if it did work, I can't see myself eating enough soap to deal with fatty food consumption. Soap solution would probably act as a very powerful laxative, because it can be used for enemas.

Thus, I conclude that "Fat Magnets" are just another magic trick that does not work. I add them torepparttar 114999 following list.

"Fat Burners": Anyone who has read my books or articles on health knows thatrepparttar 115000 body's "FBs" are "FIBs". Therefore, magic pills, foods, food combinations to "turn up your fat burners" are like any other magic, just tricks.

"Fat Blocker" / "Starch Blocker": I have yet to read of any dietary supplement for blocking absorption of starches or fats which (1) works, and (2) does so without severe health risks.

As described in my "Easy Health Diet",repparttar 115001 best way for reducing fat inrepparttar 115002 body is to not eat much fat (or other concentrated calories). Prevention is far more powerful than cure. There are plenty of foods low in fat, sugar, and alcohol, to fill up on.

AN OBSERVATION: crushed shellfish shells ARE a good source for calcium, but notrepparttar 115003 most readily absorbed form. Farmers feed it to chickens to provide calcium while also providing grit forrepparttar 115004 birds' food grinding process inrepparttar 115005 gizzard. Egg layers need a lot of calcium forrepparttar 115006 shells.

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

Dr. Donald A. Miller is author of "Easy Health Diet" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm, "Easy Exercise All Ages" http://easyhealthdiet.com/eeaa.htm, and numerous free articles on health http://easyhealthdiet.com/articles/. Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

Jesus Diet

Written by Dr. Donald A. Miller

Continued from page 1

Seventh Conclusion: Jesus was not a teetotaler, despite what some branches of Christianity now claim. Miracles attributed to him involved loaves, fishes, wine. If you don't belive in miracles, there are several historical facts to consider. 1. For most people, refrigeration is a modern invention. Fermentation is a natural event unless deliberately avoided, such as by cooking, drying, pickling, and/or salting foods. Canning was not known in biblical days. Fermentation allowedrepparttar making of leavened bread andrepparttar 114993 preservation of grain and fruit juices as beer and wine. 2. For most people living in early communities, drinking water could not be counted on to be clean. Not everyone had access to fresh spring water, or un-polluted streams. Therefore, use of beer and diluted wine allowed alcohol to fight microbes.

To my knowledge, Jesus did not spell out recipes for his followers. He certainly would not have forbidden or promoted foods that were not known in his time and area. I don't think he knew about soy foods, caffeinated beverages, high fructose sugar, and more.

Modern Christians, and others, do well to learn from recent health publications on paper and on internet, using healthy skepticism. Things which cause obesity are not healthful. Myths which masquerade as truth (such as "low carb" fad diets), should be evaluated and cast aside. Tobacco and other smoking materials are to be avoided, both through direct use and second hand smoke. Sedentary life styles should be offset by at least moderate exercise, such as daily walking. And nothing to excess -- except for parties.

Historical records seem to show cancers and strokes were formerly less common than today. However, some illnesses were not recognized, such as "colic" which probably covered appendicitis, cancer, and food poisoning. Whereas some people lived long in biblical times (ignore Methuselah), life expectancy was much less than in modern countries so that most died before some diseases could get to them.

Still,repparttar 114994 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention puts a lot of emphasis on Good Diet and at least Moderate Exercise as keys to good health and longevity. I don't think Jesus would argue against that.

** Diet with FACTS, not MYTHS. **

Dr. Donald A. Miller is author of "Easy Health Diet" http://easyhealthdiet.com/diet.htm, "Easy Exercise All Ages" http://easyhealthdiet.com/eeaa.htm, and numerous free articles on health http://easyhealthdiet.com/articles/. Seven of ten deaths are caused by preventable diseases.

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