Fascism - The Tensile Permanence

Written by Sam Vaknin

Continued from page 1

This second type of tension transformed many ofrepparttar fascist organizations into chaotic, mismanaged, corrupt, and a-moral groups, lacking in direction and in self-discipline. They swung ferociously betweenrepparttar 126016 pole of malignant individualism and that of lethal collectivism.

III. Utopianism vs. Struggle

Fascism was constantly inrepparttar 126017 making, eternally half-baked, subject to violent permutations, mutations, and transformations. Fascist movements were "processual" and, thus, in permanent revolution (rather, since fascism was based onrepparttar 126018 negation of other social forces, in permanent civil war). It was a utopian movement in search of a utopia. Many ofrepparttar 126019 elements of a utopia were there - but hopelessly mangled and mingled and without any coherent blueprint.

Inrepparttar 126020 absence of a rational vision and an orderly plan of action - fascist movements resorted to irrationality,repparttar 126021 supernatural,repparttar 126022 magical, and to their brand of a secular religion. They emphasizedrepparttar 126023 way -rather thanrepparttar 126024 destination,repparttar 126025 struggle - rather thanrepparttar 126026 attainment,repparttar 126027 battle - rather thanrepparttar 126028 victory,repparttar 126029 effort - rather thanrepparttar 126030 outcome, or, in short -repparttar 126031 Promethean andrepparttar 126032 Thanatean rather thanrepparttar 126033 Vestal,repparttar 126034 kitschy rather thanrepparttar 126035 truly aesthetic.

IV. Organic vs. Decadent

Fascism emphasized rigid social structures - supposedlyrepparttar 126036 ineluctable reflections of biological strictures. As opposed to politics and culture - where fascism was revolutionary and utopian - socially, fascism was reactionary, regressive, and defensive. It was pro-family. One's obligations, functions, and rights wererepparttar 126037 results of one's "place in society". But fascism was also male chauvinistic, adolescent, latently homosexual ("the cult of virility",repparttar 126038 worship ofrepparttar 126039 military), somewhat pornographic (the adoration ofrepparttar 126040 naked body, of "nature", and ofrepparttar 126041 young), and misogynistic. In its horror of its own repressed androgynous "perversions" (i.e.,repparttar 126042 very decadence it claimed to be eradicating), it employed numerous defense mechanisms (e.g., reaction formation and projective identification). It was gender dysphoric and personality disordered.

V. Elitism vs. Populism

All fascist movements were founded onrepparttar 126043 equivalent ofrepparttar 126044 Nazi Fuhrerprinzip. The leader - infallible, indestructible, invincible, omnipotent, omniscient, sacrificial - was a creative genius who embodied as well as interpretedrepparttar 126045 nation's quiddity and fate. His privileged and unerring access torepparttar 126046 soul ofrepparttar 126047 fascist movement, to history's grand designs, and torepparttar 126048 moral and aesthetic principles underlying it all - made him indispensable and worthy of blind and automatic obedience.

This strongly conflicted withrepparttar 126049 unmitigated, all-inclusive, all-pervasive, and missionary populism of fascism. Fascism was not egalitarian (see section above). It believed in a fuzzily role-based and class-based system. It was misogynistic, againstrepparttar 126050 old, often againstrepparttar 126051 "other" (ethnic or racial minorities). But, with these exceptions, it embraced one and all and was rather meritocratic. Admittedly, mobility withinrepparttar 126052 fascist parties was eitherrepparttar 126053 result of actual achievements and merit orrepparttar 126054 outcome of nepotism and cronyism - still, fascism was far more egalitarian than most other political movements.

This populist strand did not sit well withrepparttar 126055 overweening existence of a Duce or a Fuhrer. Tensions erupted now and then but, overall,repparttar 126056 Fuhrerprinzip held well.

Fascism's undoing cannot be attributed to either of these inherent contradictions, though they made it brittle and clunky. To understandrepparttar 126057 downfall of this meteoric latecomer - we must look elsewhere, torepparttar 126058 17th and 18th century.

Sam Vaknin is the author of Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain - How the West Lost the East. He is a columnist for Central Europe Review, PopMatters, and eBookWeb , a United Press International (UPI) Senior Business Correspondent, and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory Bellaonline, and Suite101 .

Visit Sam's Web site at http://samvak.tripod.com

Redefining Insurance Fraud: On Managed Care

Written by Robert Levin

Continued from page 1

Indeed, even most ofrepparttar 45 million Americans who go without insurance because they can't affordrepparttar 126015 premiums opposerepparttar 126016 alternative of not-for-profit system. It apparently hasn't occurred to them that there'd be no significant risk to capitalism in this solution. We've already got "socialized" institutions in this country—police and fire departments, for example—that hardly infringe on our freedom to take advantage of one another. A few more would still leave us with plenty of opportunities to ripoff our fellow man.

(And speaking of a not-for-profit health care system, does anyone seriously think that dealing with a government bureaucracy would somehow be more brutal than dealing with Aetna, Prudential or Oxford?)

So what’s left to do when revolt is no more inrepparttar 126017 offing than government intervention is?

Unfortunately, beyond fantasizing that our growing population of serial killers (folks who’ve made it clear that accumulating money isn’t their first priority) will develop a sense of civic responsibility to go with their skills and proclivity, I haven’t come up with much. Certainly nothing that would yield more thanrepparttar 126018 smallest of rewards atrepparttar 126019 price of considerable personal sacrifice.

I’m speaking of getting sick a lot; using, you know,repparttar 126020 hell out of my policy. By constantly contracting illnesses that require frequent doctor visits, extended hospitalization and enormous quantities of pharmaceuticals, I’d haverepparttar 126021 satisfaction of at least putting a dent in an HMO's profits.

Yeah, I know, but I likerepparttar 126022 pharmaceuticals part and it WOULD be a step up from omitting zip codes.

Former contributor to The Village Voice and Rolling Stone. Coauthor and coeditor, respectively, of two collections of essays about rock and jazz in the '60s: "Music & Politics" and "Giants of Black Music."

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