Famous Filibusters in Political History

Written by Garry Gamber

Continued from page 1

On April 24, 1953, Senator Morse began to filibuster against Tidelands Oil legislation. He keptrepparttar floor for 22 hours and 26 minutes, breakingrepparttar 136050 filibuster record of 18 hours held by his mentor, Wisconsin Senator Robert La Follette.

Senator Morse is remembered through numerous colorful stories. For example, Clare Booth Luce, former U.S. Senator and Ambassador to Italy had to resign her appointment when she maderepparttar 136051 insulting but funny remark that her problems with Senator Morse began when he was kicked inrepparttar 136052 head by a horse.

Senator Strom Thurmond

About 9 p.m. on August 28, 1957, Senator Strom Thurmond rose beforerepparttar 136053 Senate and announced, "Mr. President, I rise to speak againstrepparttar 136054 so-called voting rights bill, H.R. 6127." His own staff had not been informed about Senator Thurmond's intentions to filibusterrepparttar 136055 bill, but they knew something was up when they saw Thurmond gathering considerable reading material.

Senator Thurmond had prepared himself for a long filibuster onrepparttar 136056 Senate floor. Earlier inrepparttar 136057 day he had spent time inrepparttar 136058 Senate steam room, dehydrating himself so that he would absorb allrepparttar 136059 water he drank without having to visitrepparttar 136060 restroom. His wife packed a steak sandwich lunch for him and she stayed inrepparttar 136061 family gallery throughoutrepparttar 136062 night. Thurmond brought a quantity of malted milk tablets and throat lozenges from his office.

Senator Thurmond began his filibuster by reading each state's election statutes. He later read and discussed an opinion by Chief Justice Taft. He also read and discussedrepparttar 136063 Declaration of Independence,repparttar 136064 Bill of Rights, and Washington's Farewell Address. His staff, concerned for Senator Thurmond's health, was finally successful in getting him to leaverepparttar 136065 floor.

After 24 hours and 18 minutes, a record that still stands, Senator Thurmond concluded his remarks with, "I expect to vote againstrepparttar 136066 bill." The bill was defeated.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

On June 10, 1964, Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia finished his address begun onrepparttar 136067 previous day, slightly more than 14 hours earlier. He filibustered againstrepparttar 136068 Civil Rights Act of 1964, an act which was debated by Byrd and others for 57 working days, including 6 Saturdays.

Senate President Hubert Humphrey from Minnesota needed 67 votes to be able to carryrepparttar 136069 motion for cloture. Minority Leader Senator Everett Dirksen,repparttar 136070 always eloquent senator from Illinois procuredrepparttar 136071 Republican votes necessary to passrepparttar 136072 cloture motion. "Stronger than allrepparttar 136073 armies is an idea whose time has come," he said. "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"

The final roll call vote on cloture resulted in 71 votes in favor and 29 votes opposed. It wasrepparttar 136074 first time in history that cloture had been invoked on civil rights legislation. The 1964 Civil Rights Act wasrepparttar 136075 most sweeping of its kind in our history.

Justice Abe Fortas

In June of 1968 Chief Justice Earl Warren notified President Lyndon Johnson that he would be retiring fromrepparttar 136076 Supreme Court. This move gave President Johnson time to nominate a successor since he was not planning to seek re-election as President. Johnson nominated Associate Justice Abe Fortas to replace Warren. Atrepparttar 136077 same time Johnson nominated Texas Appeals Court Justice Homer Thornberry to replace Fortas, a move that was designed to satisfy southern senators.

President Johnson counted on Senators Everett Dirksen and Richard Russell for their support ofrepparttar 136078 nomination. When Abe Fortas testified at his own confirmation hearing, an unprecedented occurrence, it was revealed that Fortas worked uncomfortably closely withrepparttar 136079 White House staff andrepparttar 136080 President. Later it was learned that Fortas was being paid a large sum, privately, to teach an American University summer course. At this point Dirksen, Russell, and other senators withdrew their support.

Thoughrepparttar 136081 committee recommended confirmation of Justice Abe Fortas, a filibuster ensued onrepparttar 136082 Senate floor to block his confirmation,repparttar 136083 first filibuster in Senate history on a Supreme Court nomination. On October 1, 1968,repparttar 136084 Senate was unable to tallyrepparttar 136085 67 votes needed to invoke cloture and President Johnson withdrewrepparttar 136086 nomination.

The use ofrepparttar 136087 filibuster has increased from 16 filibusters inrepparttar 136088 19th century to 66 inrepparttar 136089 first half ofrepparttar 136090 20th century to 195 inrepparttar 136091 period from 1970 to 1995. It is likely thatrepparttar 136092 filibuster will continue to play an important role inrepparttar 136093 American political process.

Garry Gamber is a public school teacher. He writes articles about politics, real estate, health and nutrition, and internet dating services. He is a founding member of http://www.GoodPoliticsRadio.com and the owner of http://www.TheDatingAdvisor.com

The Repercussions Of Bringing Former Terrorists To Mainstream Politics

Written by Angelique van Engelen

Continued from page 1
Some viewrepparttar moves ofrepparttar 135916 radicalists to mainstream politics as a positive transformation and it is surely to be hoped thatrepparttar 135917 organizations involved inrepparttar 135918 decades-long strife inrepparttar 135919 region that are now close to becoming involved in mainstream politics, will ultimately disarm. Yet their popularity might be evidencing real hardship onrepparttar 135920 ground. Aside from what’s drivingrepparttar 135921 islamist vote, Israel’s reaction to a possible Hamas inclusion intorepparttar 135922 PA might not be favorable and it might be unwilling to negotiate with Hamas leaders. But then, this might not turn out to berepparttar 135923 case. Prime Minister Sharon who is said by some to favor a peace process that is open ended might think he has a better negotiating partner in a Hamas partipated PA. It is also going to be interesting what is going to be happening with Hizbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah leaders have expressed opposition to disarmament that’s as strong asrepparttar 135924 the Palestinian Hamas leaders. So far, this issue,repparttar 135925 groups’ status as terrorist and their unwillingness to recognize Israel as a state has always deterred countries likerepparttar 135926 US to deal with them as mature political entities. This is changing. Word inrepparttar 135927 diplomatic corridors has it thatrepparttar 135928 State Department might acquiesce in Hizballah's entry into Lebanese politics if it abandons terrorism and severs its political and operational ties with Syria. This US recognition of Hizballah could serve as a precedent for US acceptance of a political role for Hamas.

So far it looks like every major move thatrepparttar 135929 islamist groups make by definition will continue to go accompanied with pledges to hold onto arms. But one ought to bear in mind that oftenrepparttar 135930 public rhetoric is different than any private action. The leader of Hezbollah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrullah, recently reiterated that his group will not give up their weapons. In an interview with Reuters he said that his party will keep its weapons and will not give it up, noting that this decision is because ofrepparttar 135931 continued Israeli occupation andrepparttar 135932 risks of occupation against his country. He even snubbedrepparttar 135933 UN, saying that its Security Council resolution demanding Hizbullah to hand over its weapons is ‘meaningless’ and ‘of no value’.

Meanwhile, in Iraq Al Qaeda’s Jordanian-born leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi also recently publicly rejected a call fromrepparttar 135934 new Iraqi president for militants to lay down their arms. Callingrepparttar 135935 new Iraqi leader President Jalal Talabani an agent ofrepparttar 135936 US and Jews,repparttar 135937 rebels said they would continue their strife until Sharia law was established inrepparttar 135938 country and never forgiverepparttar 135939 leader for his "infidelity" and "spilling ofrepparttar 135940 blood of Muslims". It is not clear whetherrepparttar 135941 statement, posted on a website used by Islamist militants is authentic. It is a smack inrepparttar 135942 face however of Mr Talabani, who has been quite lenient to those Iraqi’s who have taken to violence overrepparttar 135943 past few years, saying a peaceful solution should be found with Iraqis who were ‘led astray’ by terrorism. He even invited them in to participate inrepparttar 135944 democratic process and offered some convicted terrorists an amnesty.

Angelique van Engelen is a freelance writer who's lived in the Middle East for over three years. She runs www.contentClix.com, a writing agency based in the Netherlands. She also contributes to a writing ring http://clixyPlays.blogspot.com

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