Falling Asleep - An ADD Nightmare

Written by ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

Continued from page 1

When scheduling your evenings and developing a routine, whether it is for yourself or your child, identifyrepparttar one or two things that usually providerepparttar 115520 most stimulation and eliminate them fromrepparttar 115521 pre-bedtime hours. In my own routine, I begin my wind down by shutting off my computer right after dinner. This prevents me from getting caught up in email, research, or any other number of interesting things thatrepparttar 115522 Internet has to offer.

The next thing to consider when planning your routine is to schedule in “down time” for some serious relaxing. For me, this can mean taking 15 minutes to meditate, going for a walk with my dog, or even just sitting in my favorite chair and breathing deeply. Whatever it is, I do it alone.

And finally, set up a “signal” that will let your body know it’s time to start shutting down. The very last thing I do at night is brush my teeth. This is my signal to my body and mind thatrepparttar 115523 day is now over and it is time to rest. You may choose to do some light reading, tuck inrepparttar 115524 kids, or make your lunch for tomorrow – what it is doesn’t matter, as long as it’srepparttar 115525 same small task repeated every night.

Once you have developed your schedule, make it a routine. People with ADD often work well with this kind of structure. You can changerepparttar 115526 activities you plan for each night, as long as you stick torepparttar 115527 basics. Get your body and mind used to winding down inrepparttar 115528 evenings, and you may just find yourself falling asleep easier at night!

Jennifer Koretsky is an ADD Coach who helps clients find peace through ADD management. She offers private and group coaching, skills groups, workshops, and a free e-Newsletter. For more information, visit www.ADDmanagement.com.

Using Yoga to Manage ADD

Written by ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

Continued from page 1

It is important to remember that yoga is not meant to be stressful or taxing onrepparttar body. People should be encouraged to concentrate only on themselves and notrepparttar 115519 others inrepparttar 115520 class, and to do only what feels comfortable. A practitioner should never feel pressured to perform. If an ADDer finds him/herself at a yoga class that moves too quickly, or focuses heavily on strength training, they will not reaprepparttar 115521 intended benefits, and may find themselves overwhelmed. The best place to find yoga instruction is at a yoga center, whererepparttar 115522 instructors practice yoga as a way of life, and teach bothrepparttar 115523 physical and psychological components.

Yoga can help ADDers feel calm, centered, in control, and in touch with their bodies. Practiced regularly, ADDers will find that yoga is a powerful mental and physical refresher that they can retreat to when feeling out of control or overwhelmed.

Jennifer Koretsky is an ADD Coach who helps clients find peace through ADD management. She offers private and group coaching, skills groups, workshops, and a free e-Newsletter. For more information, visit www.ADDmanagement.com.

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