Faith and Depression

Written by Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW

Continued from page 1

You see, I know. In my deepest depression days I judged myself unworthy of God's healing embrace. I didn't deserve it. I felt humiliated to even consider it. There may even be evil in chronic depression, insofar as it lovedrepparttar awful things I thought of myself -- it kept me from a relationship with God, it kept me from healing and it kept depression growing stronger and stronger.

I'm not preaching God or a Higher Power asrepparttar 101754 ONE and ONLY answer. That would be joining those I've criticized above. Of course there are Christians who become depressed, and some depressed Christians already pray ardently to God for relief from their suffering. I am simply hoping to get your attention for a moment.

Belief in something bigger than you is one powerful resource that you can tap into this very moment. When added torepparttar 101755 many other available depression support resources I have offered and will continue to write about... Wow, you'll become unstoppable in your recovery.

Here are five suggestions for you to begin your new journey.

1. The 3rd Step Prayer from page 63 of Alcoholics Anonymous, one ofrepparttar 101756 best kept secrets around.

"I offer myself to you, to build with me and to do with me as you will. Relieve me ofrepparttar 101757 bondage of self, that I may better serve you. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would have of your power, your love and your way of life. May I do your will always. Amen."

2. This is thanks to my good friend Jill: Visual Prayer Cards - a wonderfully creative way in which to connect and develop an ongoing relationship with God. You can find more information here: local/print.cgi?results.html?291

3. And thanks to my good friend Nancy for this next resource --repparttar 101758 Encouragement Bible was developed by Dave & Jan Dravecky and Joni Eareckson. Find more about how to order it here:

4. Sit and imaginerepparttar 101759 most peaceful scene you can inrepparttar 101760 theatre of your mind. Now imagine God joining you in this scene andrepparttar 101761 two of you spending some time together, perhaps just holding you in His arms for 5 minutes per day. Do this on a regular basis and watch repparttar 101762 results.

5. Begin a Prayer Journal. Here's a sample outline for your entries. Begin with 5 gratitudes. Then list one item having to do with your depression recovery and request God's help in this area. End with a "Caught Ya!" section, where you document any time you caught God in action during your day, whether in your life or in life around you. Look forrepparttar 101763 "God shot!" It can be simple or profound. For example, you realized you were daydreaming while driving, but only noticed this after you "safely" and unconsciously ran through a red light at a busy intersection and no one got hurt.

May God's love surround you like a cleansing white light.

Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW is an author, university faculty member, success coach and veteran psychotherapist whose passion is guiding others to their own success in life. For weekly doses of the webs HOTTEST success tips, sign up for Dave’s powerful “Feeling Great!” ezine at

Hooking Up vs Lasting Love: It's Your Choice

Written by Toni Coleman

Continued from page 1

In addition to these explanations, some singles express a belief that "everyone does it" or "it's expected". Therefore, they often report engaging in it, but not feeling really ok or satisfied afterwards. Others use it as a substitute for real intimacy, referencing their difficulties in meeting and dating in general.

Then there arerepparttar people who have sex hoping it will lead to love. This too is a desire for intimacy that can lead to sadness and disappointment andrepparttar 101753 possibility of contacting a dangerous and life-altering infection. It reminds me ofrepparttar 101754 line in a song, "if I can love you good enough onrepparttar 101755 outside to make you feel it onrepparttar 101756 inside, then maybe you will stay..."

If you recognize yourself in any of these statements and want to address your issue, begin with an inventory of your values and self-awareness. Readrepparttar 101757 articles: "Defining Intimacy", "Clarifying And Living Your Values", and "How's Your Self-Awareness". You can find these on:

If you would find feedback that deals specifically with these issues helpful, takerepparttar 101758 "What's Your Intimacy IQ" and "Are You Relationship Ready" quizzes. These can be found on:

Once you have determined what you really want from a relationship you can begin to make clear, thought out choices that will openrepparttar 101759 path that points inrepparttar 101760 direction you wish to go. Until you do so, you facerepparttar 101761 possibility of more disappointing and short-lived encounters that leave you feeling more alone and less hopeful aboutrepparttar 101762 possibility for lasting happy love.

Toni Coleman is a relationship coach and psychotherapist who specializes in working with singles seeking lasting love. She offers individual, couples and group coaching by phone and/or email sessions. She has authored many articles and offers a free monthly newsletter.

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