Faith - sermon notes.

Written by Hannes Wessels

Continued from page 1

Multiplied Faith Leviticus 26: 8 says that five will chase a hundred but a hundred will chase ten thousand. Faith multiplies when it is joined to your brothers and sisters. How strong is your link with your body? Be very careful in battle not to get separated from your clan. Stand strong againstrepparttar moves ofrepparttar 139340 devil, but stand as one.

Is there a mountain in your life that you can not move? Believe! Get somebody to stand with you. Bring it torepparttar 139341 prayer meeting! Take it to your home-cell! You will see God move on your behalf. Sometimes God is moving us in a process and we can not fight against it. Sometimes God is leading us intorepparttar 139342 wilderness and He will accomplish His plans. We have to trust Him that He is leading us. He is inrepparttar 139343 boat with us. You are not alone.

Prayer for this week: Lord Jesus let us fightrepparttar 139344 good fight together in strength, not double minded but with direction and purpose.

Pastor Hannes is the senior pastor for Eastcoast Christian Centre, a Church in Port Elizabeth. Feel free to redistribute this article, but please include this About section with an active link to our website.

Bearing fruit in 2005

Written by Ps Hannes Wessels

Continued from page 1

Genesis 41 Pharaohrepparttar evil Egyptian king understood that his dreams has spiritual meaning and insisted on a revelation he understood that this was a critical time inrepparttar 139339 history of Egypt. So we if we are in positions of authority should be in tune.

Joseph was able to interpret what was happening inrepparttar 139340 spiritual realm. Due torepparttar 139341 obedience ofrepparttar 139342 pharaoh it resulted in blessing for Egypt. God wants to bless nations He wants to create an opportunity for his servants to be blessed even if they are in prison. Egypt was blessed but Joseph was mightily blessed. Joseph always gave Godrepparttar 139343 glory.(verse16 and 28)

I believe we are in a very specific time in our city. We need to be more in tune with God than ever before to experiencerepparttar 139344 maximum of this time in God. Our ancestors will look back at this time and as a city we will give answer to them and to God about what we did with this time.

Our city has been blessed by much growth inrepparttar 139345 last couple of years. We have prayed for transformation and are seeing it happen right before our eyes. We as a city could missrepparttar 139346 opportunities that are coming our way. You might think, “well I am not a city councilor or a manager of a major company” all I can say was neither was Joseph. People of EastCoast have some backbone, trust God for a super natural blessing of wisdom and discernment.

In your place of work or in this city God wants to bless you withrepparttar 139347 “fruit in season”. This will have a profound effect on yourself and many around you. Enjoyrepparttar 139348 sweet grapes of blessing, by hearing whatrepparttar 139349 Spirit is saying.

Pastor Hannes is the senior pastor for Eastcoast Christian Centre, a Church in Port Elizabeth. Feel free to redistribute this article, but please include this About section with an active link to our website.

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