Failure Is Temporary

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

Continued from page 1

The old adage of learn from your mistakes is very true onrepparttar road to being successful inrepparttar 121995 internet marketing world. The only way to learn is to get your feet wet and see what it's like. You can watch and learn, you can study and learn but experience is stillrepparttar 121996 best teacher.

So many get discouraged and give uprepparttar 121997 idea of working onrepparttar 121998 internet. The fact is that it is not going to be easy but if you haverepparttar 121999 drive andrepparttar 122000 willingness to learn, you can be successful. You must go in knowing that you are not going to be rich tomorrow. You must realize that failure will be a part of becoming successful.

The answer to becoming a success inrepparttar 122001 marketing world is pretty muchrepparttar 122002 same as everywhere else. You must be willing to work and you must not let failure get you down. Failure is a temporary situation, learn from it.

Raymond Johnston Jr is a semi retired advertising executive. He is a published poet and writer and is the editor and publisher of Money For Hire Ezine. You can contact Ray through his website at

Are You Missing The Boat

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

Continued from page 1

There are new tools and ideas coming out on a continuous basis. Things to help with your website, advertising and many other things to contribute to you being a marketing success story.

Ezines are one ofrepparttar best places to find outrepparttar 121994 latest happenings in repparttar 121995 marketing world. They can help keep you informed. They can help keep you from falling behindrepparttar 121996 curve.

If you are one ofrepparttar 121997 people who are just subscribe to ezines to advertise. If you are one ofrepparttar 121998 people who hitsrepparttar 121999 delete button when repparttar 122000 ezine arrives in your inbox. You arerepparttar 122001 one missingrepparttar 122002 boat.

Raymond Johnston Jr is a semi retired advertising executive. He is a published poet and writer and is the editor and publisher of Money For Hire Ezine. You can contact Ray through his website at

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