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And what’s compelling reason for movie theaters not to show movie? Melanie Morgan explained to James Carville: “What we are doing is trying to make sure that there is an alternative voice to Michael Moore. He has received millions of dollars and free publicity over last free weeks about this movie, on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, you name it, he's been everywhere…But not one single ordinary American has been able to stand up and say, ‘Hey, we don't appreciate that crap that is being aimed at our troops because we support our troops, we love our troops, they're friends, families, brothers and sisters, and we're going to be there for them.’”
A pretty amazing analysis based on nothing, since Morgan has not seen film, but has read articles in newspapers to really zero in on Michael Moore’s “true” intentions.
Also, does a movie really need an “alternative voice”? Isn’t that voice going to be provided by conservative talk radio, in conservative newspapers, and on conservative web sites, like World Net Daily or Free Republic? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity combined have millions of listeners. Surely they will offer up that all-important alternative Morgan is complaining about. Also, why wouldn’t “ordinary” Americans be able to say they don’t like a movie they haven’t seen, or will see? You know they’re going to show up at movie theaters with their signs and their rage at “Bash America” filmmaker, Michael Moore, getting in way of movie theater patrons who will use power of their own brains to decide if Moore’s message is valid.
And Mike, well, I’ll bet he’s having a good chuckle over all of this attention, especially since Move America Forward’s efforts will result in increased ticket sales. There’s nothing like a good, pointless boycott of a film you’ve never seen that will result in more people seeing movie than if there had been no boycott.
I know I’ll be there, joining up with my fellow “Blame America First” liberals, while Michael Moore laughs all way to bank. Well, Move America Forward, there’s always lots of books to boycott at local public library, if Michael Moore boycott doesn’t work out.
About author: Scott C. Smith is a writer from Beaverton, Oregon. His column has appeared weekly at Democratic Underground and other progressive web sites. In addition to his column, Scott writes for his web site, What’s In Scott’s Head, at Scott is a proud member of Blame America First crowd.
Scott C. Smith is a writer from Beaverton, Oregon. His columns have appeared weekly at the Democratic Underground and other progressive web sites. In addition to his column, Scott writes for his web site, What’s In Scott’s Head, at Scott is a proud member of the Blame America First crowd.