Written by Joan Bramsch

Continued from page 1
Hard Kwanzaa Word Search Can you find these 33 Kwanzaa words? Surfrepparttar Net with Kids Kwanzaa Match Match each ofrepparttar 111653 Kwanzaa ideals with it's Swahili translation - drag them torepparttar 111654 bottom box PLAY NOW:

JOAN BRAMSCH is a family person, educator, writer and E-publisher. Her articles appear internationally in print and online. Six of her best-selling adult novels - near one million copies - have worldwide distribution. Her Empowered Parenting Ezine serves 1000 parents around the globe.

TEACH ME, I'M YOURS: If you want your child to be smart, you be the first teacher!

Written by Joan Bramsch

Continued from page 1

This will result in many peak experiences -- your child will be very happy, learning, and this will directly translate to other areas of study inrepparttar formal classroom. Remember that a good mood favorably affects thinking power, too. Success in one area andrepparttar 111652 knowledge thatrepparttar 111653 mind controlsrepparttar 111654 body will allow your child to realize, "What you think is what you get!" This discovery, together with mind and body awareness, will carry along for a lifetime in general outlook and in individual endeavors. Increase Your Child's IQ Generally speaking, intelligent people live longer. Heredity, however, has little effect on intelligence. A positive living and learning environment does. Essentially, with TMIY, your child can becomerepparttar 111655 green growing tip of society. Can a child's I.Q. be raised? Absolutely! Beginning with a stimulating home life, infant I.Q. can be raised with simple stimulation like listening to classical music or reading and other interactions withrepparttar 111656 parent. Games & Skills Taught In "TMIY" This book offers many types of motor control activities -- physical exercise improves mental performance -- and perception games. Those activities cover: 1. General body control 2. Locomotor skills (walking, running, jumping) 3. Non-locomotor skills (twisting, turning) 4. Manipulative skills (throwing, catching, kicking) 5. Specialized skills (rhythmics, stunts, tumbling) 6. Unilateral (touch both hands to both feet) Bilateral (touch right foot with right hand) Cross-lateral (touch left foot with right hand) movements 7. Right and left recognition 8. Audio (listening) skills Visual (seeing) skills Tactual (touching) skills development 9. Creative development ofrepparttar 111657 imagination 10. Creative thinking and problem-solving skills 11. Memory development 12. Concentration development 13. Space recognition 14. Time recognition 15. Stress management 16. Harmony with others

There's No Such Thing As "Dumb" Now don't let all those words scare you off! They may sound new to you but, believe me, they are just words. The "outside world" -- only more words -- cannot make you feel dumb. It's what you think and what you know that really counts. Learn this concept, then teach it to your child and watchrepparttar 111658 results. Magic!

In raising children, your expectations count for a lot. Your child needs YOUR help, not mine. I can lead you through each chapter in a way that will be easy to understand. Then you will be so excited and eager to share this knowledge with your child, it won't seem like work at all. And in this busy world in which we live, you will see that you can provide quality time and have fun, too.

Again, that's what good parenting is all about -- to have fun and enjoy your child's company. Teaching useful skills is like icing onrepparttar 111659 cake -- Chocolate!

So this program is a complete plan of seeing, hearing, touching and muscle exercises that you and your child can enjoy doing together SUCCESSFULLY. Failure does not belong in TEACH ME, I'M YOURS Remember, your child goes at her own pace, practicing with you untilrepparttar 111660 body and mind learn each process so that, through self-discipline and your encouragement, she ultimately succeeds.

No child should be overcome by challenges that are beyond physical and mental capacities. Therefore, this book contains two programs. One is designed forrepparttar 111661 preschool, Kindergarten and First grade levels (GROUP A), whilerepparttar 111662 second is designed for Second, Third and Fourth grade levels (GROUP B). Early Perceptual-Motor Experience Affects Future Learning Development How many children do you know who spend most of their waking hours in front of a television set or run around with no purpose in mind? Perceptual-motor development is recognized by specialists in medicine and education as a very vital part ofrepparttar 111663 normal development of an individual. The teachings of Dr. Newell C. Kepart and Dr. Marianne Frostig place considerable emphasis on early motor training and onrepparttar 111664 development of learning patterns. Help For Slow Learners Dr. Gesell's work leaves little doubt concerningrepparttar 111665 importance of early perceptual-motor experience. Help is offered here forrepparttar 111666 "slow learner" or "non-achiever" -- those children who do not seem to learn material from conventional teaching methods. This program givesrepparttar 111667 child a chance to achieve and a chance to grow. It may berepparttar 111668 first time he has had a success and it will feel good. To learn to have self-respect and a good self-image is an important goal for all children. The child will no longer feel useless. Each can do. Each can solve. Each will succeed!

Through this approach, your child will learn that having friends is important to self-image. He will learn to share, to take turns, to practicerepparttar 111669 Golden Rule. Wars are made and violence is done by people who don't have friends, who never learned that everyone has a right to be.

It is all important that your child learnsrepparttar 111670 proper motor patterns on which to build all successive levels of skills. If this is not accomplished, a breakdown inrepparttar 111671 child's progress will result, making her feel overwhelmed with "I'm just a nobody" emotions. Thus, isrepparttar 111672 seed ofrepparttar 111673 non-achiever first nurtured. TMIY can alleviate many ofrepparttar 111674 problems before they have an opportunity to take root in your child's day-to-day experience.

I wrote TEACH ME, I'M YOURS to help children learnrepparttar 111675 perceptual-motor skills necessary to learn byrepparttar 111676 usual instructional methods inrepparttar 111677 classroom. I want all children to be able to learn in school. To improve memory skills. To reason. To problem-solve, creatively. Having built a good foundation of all these skills, I look forward to seeingrepparttar 111678 fruits of your labor and of mine. We will see children who can move forward with renewed and expanded self-worth toward their full potential in Life. Success belongs to all our children! TEACH ME, I'M YOURS - Review and Recommendation

As you may know I've worked in education for many, many years. ECE wasn't my field, but secondary/adult education and learning disabilities. I love curriculum development, teaching and training, teachers/parents--everyone! And I can see from Joan Bramsch's book TEACH ME, I'M YOURS, that she does as well. Her scope and sequence is excellently planned, laid out and formatted. The content is creative and inspiring as arerepparttar 111679 easy to follow/apply activities and exercises. This is an important book for all parents and educators.

Reviewer: Melinda Rucker Haynes

READ MORE: eachme eachme.htm

JOAN BRAMSCH is a family person, educator, writer and E-publisher. Her articles appear internationally in print and online. Six of her best-selling adult novels - near one million copies - have worldwide distribution. Her Empowered Parenting Ezine serves 1000 parents around the globe.

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