Written by Jonathan K Dall

Continued from page 1
fine but I was not willing to negotiate on price. He called backrepparttar next day to inform me that they had agreed to payrepparttar 122816 asking price and went aboutrepparttar 122817 business of taking care ofrepparttar 122818 paperwork and arrangingrepparttar 122819 closing. Inrepparttar 122820 meantimerepparttar 122821 repairs on my car had been completed and I was to go and pick it up in two weeks. This isrepparttar 122822 gospel my friends I closed onrepparttar 122823 propertyrepparttar 122824 day before I left forrepparttar 122825 Island and off I went with check in hand. Pay close attention now asrepparttar 122826 story unfolds. I spent an entire week riding aroundrepparttar 122827 Island searching for a piece of property. The prices were steep to sayrepparttar 122828 least and I began to become discouraged. The eighth day I was taking another ride aroundrepparttar 122829 Island and came upon a lovely little house sitting up on a hill with a wonderful view ofrepparttar 122830 ocean. My friend who was with me urged me to stop and take a look, and so I did. We lookedrepparttar 122831 place over and I could see that it had a new roof and had been recently painted and some windows had been replaced. When we arrived back atrepparttar 122832 home of friends we were staying with they asked if I had found anything and I told them aboutrepparttar 122833 little house withrepparttar 122834 water views. They told me it wasrepparttar 122835 first place they ever stayed when they came torepparttar 122836 Island. They told me to go back and getrepparttar 122837 phone number and so I did. When I returned withrepparttar 122838 number they handed merepparttar 122839 phone and told me to call and so I did. I simply couldn’t believe my ears when she told merepparttar 122840 asking price. I told her I would like to do an inspection ofrepparttar 122841 house and she agreed to have her Father meet me thererepparttar 122842 next morning. Upon inspectingrepparttar 122843 house I discovered that it had a new water pump and pressure tank a new furnace a new septic a good well andrepparttar 122844 house was structurally sound. I also discovered there was eight acres of property withrepparttar 122845 house and thatrepparttar 122846 property included shore frontage. I calledrepparttar 122847 woman back and (what nerve) made an offer onrepparttar 122848 property. She called back fifteen minutes later with a counter offer inrepparttar 122849 exact amount that I had determined I would pay. The story goes on with mind, blowing synchronicity. Remember my passion? Remember my absolute certainty? These arerepparttar 122850 thingsrepparttar 122851 Universe responds to. Don’t try and figure out how it will happen you’ll only get inrepparttar 122852 way of things. Engage your passion and know with certainty andrepparttar 122853 universe will respond in ways you can’t even imagine. If you want more info check out

To Your Success The Island Outlaw


Live the Dream

Written by Mark Claridge

Continued from page 1

Please stay with this, as this isrepparttar fundamental principle of obtaining what you want. No, what you are entitled to.

The difference between us and all other forms of life isrepparttar 122815 very fact that we have a very powerful brain. We can think, we can reason and we can invent.

Everything man has created, every idea he has ever had, has been born in his brain. We haverepparttar 122816 ability to create. It could be a beautiful picture, an architectural achievement or a medical breakthrough. Whatever it may be it has to be thought of, to exist. If you purchase a new kitchenrepparttar 122817 salesman can not bring everything around to your home, take outrepparttar 122818 old kitchen and fitrepparttar 122819 new one just to see if you like it. You have to imagine what it will look like as a finished article from a few samples or a showroom display. You have to form a picture in your mind as to what it will look like in your own home.

You see we form pictures in our mind allrepparttar 122820 time; it’s just that we take this ability for granted.

The other difference between us and all other forms of life isrepparttar 122821 fact that we have created a monetary world. You can do very little in this world without money. By having money isrepparttar 122822 only way you can truly have an abundant life. So if having an abundant life is an entitlement for all living things then our entitlement to money is an entitlement to liverepparttar 122823 life we are entitled to. We haverepparttar 122824 right to learn and expand our knowledge. Reading books, attending courses and travellingrepparttar 122825 world can achieve this. All this requires money. Never think great wealth is purely an entitlement forrepparttar 122826 few. It’s available to everyone.

We have a very powerful tool that we carry around everyday, our brain. If you give someone a paintbrush but never show him or her how to paint they will never use it. We are given a brain at birth but if we are never shownrepparttar 122827 power within it, we will never use it.

Now where were we? Oh yes, mind, body and soul.

The mind is very complex but in broad terms it is simplyrepparttar 122828 tool we use to learn and store information. It is a processor that enables us to use this information to its fullest extent.

The body isrepparttar 122829 machine. This isrepparttar 122830 equipment that can carry out all our physical needs. It enables us to see, hear, walk, run and lift amongst other things. But most importantly it allows us to build and physically createrepparttar 122831 ideas that are pictured in our minds.

It is saidrepparttar 122832 soul isrepparttar 122833 very essence of life. It isrepparttar 122834 soul that makes us what we are, it is our character, our sense of humour, our emotions andrepparttar 122835 way we interpretrepparttar 122836 messages we receive from our brain. It is our spirituality it’s what makes usrepparttar 122837 person we are. Happy and wild or maybe withdrawn and miserable. Usually a combination of all these things. It isrepparttar 122838 part that connects us torepparttar 122839 universe and all life.

Remember I said earlier that every thought you have ever had has bought you to where you are now.

Ask yourself. Am I happy with where I am now?

The chances arerepparttar 122840 answer is NO. Very few people are. Everyone wants to advance further. Everyone wants to achieve more. They want a more abundant life.

Mark Claridge specializes in teaching motivational and self-development skills. In his new FREE e-book “Mindset and Match” he covers amongst other subjects how having the correct mindset can bring you all you want out of life and is available at Visit his motivational web site

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