FILING: How To Find What You Need When You Need It

Written by Monica Ricci

Continued from page 1

3. Then further break down SUB-categories even smaller if you need to. For example, Banking might be broken down into Checking, Savings, and Money Market. Investments might be broken down into Stocks and 401K. See how that works? This level of information should be either in its own hanging folder withrepparttar plastic tab allrepparttar 105165 way torepparttar 105166 RIGHT side, or you can also use manila folders insiderepparttar 105167 hanging folder called Banking, and just writerepparttar 105168 names of each account onrepparttar 105169 manila folder.

The thing to remember about creating a filing system is that it's crucial thatrepparttar 105170 words you choose are relevant to you andrepparttar 105171 way you think. If you never userepparttar 105172 word "finances" in your vocabulary, then don't write it on a file folder, choose something that is more your style, such as "money". If you aren't inclined to say "automobile" but rather, "car", then choose "car" for your file name. The reason thatrepparttar 105173 language is so important is because filing is all about retrieval and not about storage. The question to ask yourself isn't "where should I keep this?" but rather, "how will I think of this so I can find it again?"

Usingrepparttar 105174 above tips to set up an intuitive filing system will make retrieval of information fast and easy.

Monica Ricci has been an organizing specialist since 1999, and her motivational presentations teach effective organizing and simplifying techniques for home and work. She also offers free email tips and ideas on how to make life simpler and more organized. Her topics include clutter control, paper management, time management, organizing space and procrastination.Contact Monica at 770-569-2642 or

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION FILES! Organizing Your Office By Task

Written by Monica Ricci

Continued from page 1

You simply mark in your calendarrepparttar date you wish to take action and whatrepparttar 105164 action will be (ex: September 5, Marketing Seminar atrepparttar 105165 Hilton) then you make an ?H? next to what you?ve written, which is a visual indicator thatrepparttar 105166 information pertaining to this event is living in your Holding file. The key to using your Holding file effectively is that you must use it in conjunction with your calendar. It?s a dual system:repparttar 105167 note inrepparttar 105168 calendar reminds you ofrepparttar 105169 action you need to take, andrepparttar 105170 ?H? next torepparttar 105171 note reminds you of whererepparttar 105172 details ofrepparttar 105173 information are being stored. Oncerepparttar 105174 action is taken, removerepparttar 105175 physical information fromrepparttar 105176 Holding file and either file it or throw it away.

Some examples of what to keep in a Holding file:

·Airline tickets and itineraries ·Event or seminar invitations ·Directions to events ·Letters to follow-up on ·Auto tag registration

In short, your Holding file is a temporary home for anything with an action deadline either inrepparttar 105177 near or distant future. The system gives you a way to safely put things out of your mind until it?s necessary to think of them again, thereby freeing your mind up to focus on your immediate priorities.

Monica Ricci has been an organizing specialist since 1999, and her motivational presentations teach effective organizing and simplifying techniques for home and work. She also offers free email tips and ideas on how to make life simpler and more organized. Her topics include clutter control, paper management, time management, organizing space and procrastination.Contact Monica at 770-569-2642 or

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