Written by Debbie Burgin

Continued from page 1

I thought about my daughter’s suggestion for about a month. After which time, I decided to go ahead and start my company designing and manufacturing handbags. I studied fashion design when I was younger, and I couldn’t think of any reason that a handbag would be more difficult to make than a dress. Decision made!

I started my first company in November, and by February, I had 23 stores who were carrying my product. I designed and draftedrepparttar pattern, foundrepparttar 148719 fabric, manufacturedrepparttar 148720 products, and I did it all alone. I work at home forrepparttar 148721 bulk ofrepparttar 148722 time and it’s a ton of work, but I’m happy with it.

Looking back now, I can’t figure out exactly what it was that I was so afraid of. I just knew that I was terrified, but decided to go ahead and do it anyway. Turns out, it was a wonderful decision. I’m my own boss, I’m runningrepparttar 148723 show. I enjoy it so much, that I’ve started another company doing something else that I love. Yes, most ofrepparttar 148724 time life is hectic, but I absolutely love it.

Debbie Burgin is mother of 3 and dual business owner. She owns Debbie Burgin Design, a business that she started as a result of her divorce.

10 Easy Strategies to Revitalize Your Energy

Written by Karen Cross

Continued from page 1

5) Delegate – Giving some of your responsibilities to someone else or getting help with aspects of a project will free up some of your time and energy that can be used elsewhere (perhaps a little “you time”?). It is very easy to fall intorepparttar trap of “I’mrepparttar 148690 only one who knows how to do this” or “If I delegate this to someone else it may not get done right” and so on. Letting go of these beliefs and trusting inrepparttar 148691 abilities of others will enhance your energy.

6) Script your day – Just after you wake up inrepparttar 148692 morning stay in bed and take a couple moments to script how you want to feel as you go through your day. Simply say to yourself: “I want to feel calm” or “I want to feel energetic”. Initially you may not notice any difference, but keep it up and you will start to notice that you can decide how you want to feel as you go through your day instead of simply reacting.

7) Create systems to get organized – A system is any technique or procedure that you can implement to make better use of your time and energy. For example, a filing system for bills and other important documents makes them easier to find; keeping work clothes separate from casual clothes in your closet makes getting dressed a snap, and so on. Find creative ways to use systems in your day-to-day living that increases efficiency.

8) Set boundaries and say no – Choosing to say no will help you to stay focused on your top priorities. Always saying yes means you end up taking on more and more. Becoming comfortable with saying no will allow you to finish what you’ve already started and give yourepparttar 148693 freedom to choose what you will and will not take on.

9) Know your intentions – Before you take on something new, ask yourself how it will serve you to participate in that activity/project. If it doesn’t serve you at all or doesn’t serve you well, then it doesn’t meet your intention.

10) Eliminate energy drains – What are you tolerating or putting up with in your life that is utilizing energy. If you got rid of this energy drain, you would be able to use that energy for something else. Examine your relationships, environment, work, etc. and work on eliminating those things that drain you.

By practicing these strategies, you will be able to manage your energy, which will reduce your exhaustion and stress levels. You will be in control of your life, instead of your life being in control of you.

Karen Cross, BSW is a life and career coach and founder of Pathfinder Solutions (). For 10 years she has coached people in the areas of personal and career transitions, creating balance, and finding greater passion in work and life. For a free copy of her “10 Ways to Bring Meaning to Your Life” special report, call (250) 714-0996.

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