"Extramarital Affair: Should You Get A Divorce Just Because One Of You Had An Extramarital Affair?"

Written by Karl Augustine

Continued from page 1

Ifrepparttar couple really wants to save their marriage in spite ofrepparttar 111088 extramarital affair, then finding out whyrepparttar 111089 extramarital affair happened and agreeing on that reason isrepparttar 111090 first step inrepparttar 111091 healing process. If you are currently trying to save your marriage and one of you had an extramarital affair, try to limit your pain that you feel and talk things out with your spouse so you can clearly define and agree upon exactly whyrepparttar 111092 extramarital affair took place. If you cannot do this, chances are you will never get overrepparttar 111093 extramarital affair and your marriage most likely won't survive...or at least you won't have a healthy marriage afterrepparttar 111094 extramarital affair.

After you have defined and agreed uponrepparttar 111095 reason thatrepparttar 111096 extramarital affair took place, you must decide whether that reasons (or reasons) warrant actually going through a painful divorce. At this point you have 2 choices...either decide in your own or decide with your spouse. The latter is optimal for a variety of reasons butrepparttar 111097 main reason is that you may actually save your marriage if you decide together. Deciding together whetherrepparttar 111098 real reason an extramarital affair took place indicates that you're both really reaching out for something, something you most likely didn't have prior torepparttar 111099 extramarital affair...togetherness.

So, should you get a divorce just because one of you had an extramarital affair? No, not necessarily. Depending on how collaborative you can be with your spouse, how 'detective-like' you can act, and how much soul searching you can do, you may just become stronger together because of an extramarital affair. It may sound odd, but that'srepparttar 111100 truth. Of course, it is entirely possible (and probable) that if you both don't define and agree on whyrepparttar 111101 extramarital affair took place and work to address that reason or reasons, your marriage won't ever be healthy again and you'll never be able to healthily surviverepparttar 111102 extramarital affair.

Author of "A Practical Guide To Deciding Whether Or Not To Get A Divorce", the eBook recommended by counselors to thier clients. Proven "Actions Items" to help you decide! http://www.deciding-on-divorce.com

Deciding on Divorce

Extramarital affair

take the child's perspective

Written by Darrin F. Coe, MA

Continued from page 1
Adults have options to help them get to sleep. Children are required to lay in bed, quiet and still whether they are tired or not. Eventually, they’ll sleep but considerrepparttar trauma they may experience inrepparttar 111087 process. Behavioral psychology teaches that rewarding positive behavior is more effective than punishing undesirable behavior. Developmental psychology has found soothing sounds, calm environments, and structure positively impact behavior. Stop punishing and start rewarding. Figure out what you want your children to do and reward them for it. Rewards can be complimenting and praising them, small pieces of candy, time spent playing a favorite game, time spent watching a favorite television show, or anything else special torepparttar 111088 child. Acknowledge them as children who are loved and nurtured. High energy, breaking things, not paying attention, spilling things, running wild and being loud are part of being a child. Children are not miniature adults and shouldn’t be expected to act like adults.

Darrin F. Coe holds a master's degree in professional psychology and is the father of two pre-school boys. contact at http://dcoe1.tripod.com

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