Export to America

Written by William Cate

Continued from page 1
3. Like non-US automakers, you can sell your product or service directly to American consumers. This allows yourepparttar maximum possible profit on your goods or services sold here because you earnrepparttar 103539 importer, wholesaler and retailer profits. However, developing a retail-marketing network will cost your company tens of millions of dollars before you see your first sale. The risks of failure are substantial. Usually,repparttar 103540 best strategy is to start with an American importer and review your contract withrepparttar 103541 importer when it comes up for renewal. There is a false belief among potential exporters that they can find an American importer willing to pay their manufacturing company U.S. wholesale prices for their goods or services. The exporter expectsrepparttar 103542 American importer to work for their company without making any money from their services. In fact,repparttar 103543 American importers would lose money, since they must cover their marketing expenses, without compensation. If your manufacturing company wants to earnrepparttar 103544 U.S. wholesale price for your goods or services, create your own American wholesale firm. Otherwise expect to be selling with a very thin margin on your American export sales.

To raise risk capital inrepparttar 103545 States, your company must be credible. The least costly way to become credible in America is to sell your goods or services inrepparttar 103546 States. When a potential American investor can buy your product or service here, they believe that your company exists. If you expect American investors to rely upon a local audit for corporate credibility, you are making a serious tactical error.

If you want to raise money in America, in addition to credibility your company must offer potential investors liquidity and leverage in U.S. Dollars. To do it, you must be willing to take your company public inrepparttar 103547 United States. With liquidity, leverage and credibility,repparttar 103548 odds of your company raising money here drop from about one in twenty-five thousand to around one in ten. Plus, being public and exporting to America offers your company potential tax benefits and access to a free trading currency. Your company's CFO's development plan should be to Export to America and Go Public inrepparttar 103549 States.

Aboutrepparttar 103550 Author: William Cate is Executive Director of Beowulf Investments [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] a merchant bank that takes public and funds non-American companies and has been importing high value items intorepparttar 103551 US for decades [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/beowulftrading/]

William Cate is Executive Director of Beowulf Investments [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/] a merchant bank that takes public and funds non-American companies and has been importing high value items into the US for decades [http://home.earthlink.net/~beowulfinvestments/beowulftrading/]

How to Start Writing Policies and Procedures

Written by Chris Anderson

Continued from page 1

•Key term definitions to reduce confusion

•Measures of effectiveness to quantify outcomes

•References to related documents to improve usability

•Listing of applicable laws or regulations to communicate compliance

•Detailed list of revisions to track edit history

•Forms to ensure proper control and record keeping

Writing Policies and Procedures

Procedures should be action oriented, grammatically correct, and written in a consistent style and format to encourage maximum usability. This will result in an increase in both effectiveness and efficiency.

Improve Performance in All Departments

You can improve your procedures for many departments, improving performance and results:

•Customer Service


• Information Technology

•Sales & Marketing


•Human Resources

•Security & Disaster Recovery

•Manufacturing & Production

Best Practices Saves Time

With more effective and efficient features, you can finish your policies and procedures project sooner. A core set of “best practices” policies, procedures and forms will begin to save you time right away.

Chris Anderson is co-author of policies and procedures manual products, producing the layout, process design and implementation to increase performance. He is currently the Managing Director of Bizmanualz, Inc. Visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

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