
Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

... As angry as parents were atrepparttar disruption, it strikes me they should perhaps be grateful torepparttar 114577 strikers for modelingrepparttar 114578 values that, presumably, we most want our children to absorb - self-respect,repparttar 114579 willingness to stand up for themselves andrepparttar 114580 work they do, honouring principles even at a personal cost, courage.

Another useful lesson, there forrepparttar 114581 learning duringrepparttar 114582 work stoppage, was that of civility.

Asrepparttar 114583 garbage piled up in their schools, as washrooms were fouled beyond use, it must quickly have become apparent torepparttar 114584 students - as it does to their elders inrepparttar 114585 looting that inevitably follows police strikes - how thin is our veneer of civilization...

It may well be worth a class or two, now that they've resumed, discussing why and how this happens and what it means." (1)

Yes, we all need to respectrepparttar 114586 workers and know that our students are being force-fed pablum that will make them drones for a system that accredits only certain paladins who endurerepparttar 114587 wishes and structures that exhibit so little compassion for cleaning up our messes. Yes,repparttar 114588 journalist makes an interesting story out ofrepparttar 114589 plebian strife but does he actually examinerepparttar 114590 soulful roots of respect for each other and how parents seek easy answers rather than accept responsibility forrepparttar 114591 education of themselves and their charges? If we paid janitors more than teachers would more respect occur? If teachers were paid on a non-union scale based on results and attendance of free choice by those who wished to learn what they are teaching, would teachers earn more that politicos or paladins of business? When will education andrepparttar 114592 soul's growth be held in higher esteem? This is 'different-thinking' that Michel Foucault might well encourage.

Do doctors who graduated forty years ago keep up their skills, and do herbalists perform a better function in health maintenance? Is there a benefit to making more people able to become doctors in a hierarchy that includes chiropractors and nurse practitioners doing what they can to help us at lower pay? Isrepparttar 114593 AMA interested in controllingrepparttar 114594 number of competitors in their 'old boys club'? What amount of education does it take to make a really good lawyer? Is education as important as other skills not being taught? Have you met many ethical lawyers who actually tell you about their failures or foibles? What isrepparttar 114595 necessary qualification to become a politician and who really knows enough to vote when they won't even addressrepparttar 114596 important issues? There are more efficient and effective ethical systems that have proven themselves over long periods of time. Elder councils who answer torepparttar 114597 needs of people who know they too will haverepparttar 114598 opportunity to perform these roles are worth re-evaluation. Porto Allegro, Brazil involvedrepparttar 114599 people in a true participatory experiment that many thought would fail - it has succeeded. Asoka had real ecumenical and truly spiritual goals we can learn from. Words like ‘democracy' or 'representational government' do not ensure ethical bureaucracies with true compassion of an equal nature.

A sheepskin or a diploma does not accredit a person or ensure they know what they are doing, and why. 'Experts' are often salesmen from a few miles away who have a slide show that highlights onlyrepparttar 114600 things we want to hear. The 'chit system' of education might allow students to find educational environments that work FOR them. If it works for each person - then it will benefit society as a whole. The top-down Platonic model that seeks to homogenize us into classes of some nefarious structure (whether communistic, democratic or fascist) is not creative application or maximization of resources.

Excerpted from my Encyclopedia which can be found at Columnist in The ES Press Magazine Author of Diverse Druids Author of Diverse Druids

What Are Glyconutrients?

Written by Theryssa

Continued from page 1

M.D. News, ~ June 2002. M.D. News, a national publication with regionalized editions in 40 major medical markets inrepparttar U.S. This 3-page article coversrepparttar 114576 science of sugars and reviews specific topics such as successes with fibromyalgia, toxic shock and diabetes.

Featured is Michelle, who in 1998 was a typical 10- year-old child with Down syndrome, attention deficit, always sick and hospitalized many times due to severe asthma attacks. Her life consisted ofrepparttar 114577 nebulizer, antibiotics and steroids. That daily medical regime is no longer a part of her life since her parents, Barbara and Jacques, began giving her glyconutrient products. "Michelle now hasrepparttar 114578 quality of life every parent wants for his or her child," says Barbara. "We know she'll get sick from time to time, but it won't be life threatening. Michelle has always been a beautiful child, but we and others have noticed thatrepparttar 114579 facial features associated with Down syndrome have become less pronounced, a side benefit we didn't expect." (excerpt from Las Vegas Magazine, July/August 2001.)

There are stories like this one pouring in day after day about glyconutrients. Go and learn all you can about this exciting discovery for health and nutrition.

Glyconutrients explained

Glyconutrients Adovcate.

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