Expecting 1st String Plays From Your 3rd String Paid Front Office?

Written by Livvie Matthews

Continued from page 1

Ask yourself this question and answer truthfully. How many of your valued - key employees have left for "more money". Probably 85%....you know this because how many have you hired for LESS than what they were making? Not very many.

Asrepparttar shift in dentistry turns from running a practice to running a business (which they didn't teach in school) so hasrepparttar 104763 focus shifted andrepparttar 104764 emphasis grows every day in your business office, patient relations - patient services.

Inrepparttar 104765 treatment room you perform your procedures, preventive, basic or major "sandwiched" in aroundrepparttar 104766 business office procedures seeingrepparttar 104767 patient before AND after your procedure.

Oncerepparttar 104768 patient leaves your treatment room, they are inrepparttar 104769 hands of your business office "specialist". Are they hearing from your WalMart paid associate or fromrepparttar 104770 CEO in charge of production?

So, if you find production is down, broken appointments are up, collections are off and stress is.... on then you might just be receiving ....... 3rd String Plays From Your 3rd String Paid Front Office!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Livvie Matthews, Business Office and Patient Relationship Specialist helps you FOCUS on narrowing repparttar 104771 gap between your practice -- your business. Visit http://www.LivvieMatthews.com Business Office News mailto:subscribe@livviematthews.com

Livvie Matthews focused area of expertise is in administrative responsibilities with proficiency in patient relations and business office efficiency by providing business office professionals with innovative and creative strategies to strengthen and enhance your practice’s image while helping doctors narrow the gap between their practice—their business. Visit Livvie’s web site http://www.livviematthews.com for complete services including speaking and in-office workshop information.

Managers, Got a Grip on Your PR?

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

The data collected duringrepparttar perception monitoring interviews arerepparttar 104762 ammunition needed to identifyrepparttar 104763 corrective public relations goal. Examples might be, fixrepparttar 104764 untruth, clarifyrepparttar 104765 misconception, or killrepparttar 104766 rumor.

You still need help, however. Without a strategy to tell you how to reach that goal, not much is going to happen. You have a choice of three strategies. You can create perception/ opinion where there may be none, you can change existing perception, or you can reinforce it. But be certain that your new strategy is a natural fit withrepparttar 104767 public relations goal you selected.

Now, identify your best writer because you must put togetherrepparttar 104768 message which will dorepparttar 104769 heavy lifting when it alters any questionable perceptions among your target audience members. The message must not only be persuasive, but compelling as well. And it should aim for both factual accuracy and believability if it is to dorepparttar 104770 job. You may also wish to consider a lower profile means for delivering repparttar 104771 message – perhaps during a presentation on another matter – so as not to raise eyebrows by usingrepparttar 104772 press release format.

Actually getting your message torepparttar 104773 right people – members of your target audience – is not complex. You have a wide selection of communications tactics at your disposal. They include presentations, brochures, newsletters and personal contacts as well as media interviews, articles, open houses and many others. But check carefully that those your select actually do reach people similar to those who make up your target audience.

You need results, as do all managers. Andrepparttar 104774 best way to be certain your new public relations effort is succeeding is to return to perception monitoring mode and askrepparttar 104775 same questions all over again. The differencerepparttar 104776 second time around is, you and your team will be onrepparttar 104777 lookout for signs thatrepparttar 104778 negatives you discovered are actually being altered, and that your target audience perception is moving in your direction.

Fortunately, you can put things on a faster track by adding more communications tactics, AND increasing certain frequencies.

You’ll know you have a solid grip on your public relations effort when you avoid communications tactics as a major focus and, instead, apply your resources to persuading your key external stakeholders to your way of thinking, then move them to take actions that lead torepparttar 104779 success of your department, division or subsidiary.


Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. mailto:bobkelly@TNI.net Visit:http://www.prcommentary.com

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