Exhibiting Wizardry

Written by Susan Freidmann

Continued from page 1

Many of history’s greatest discoverers and inventers happened across their major discovery quite unexpectedly. Often, they were looking for something else. Remember Christopher Columbus set out looking for India, and lo and behold, look what he found! What arerepparttar two most unexpected things that might mysteriously happen during your next exhibiting experience? Put magic into your thinking

When you ask yourself "what if" questions you stretch your thinking and plantrepparttar 119624 seeds for creative new ideas. What if ghosts and goblins were to roamrepparttar 119625 show floor? What if exhibit booths could fly aroundrepparttar 119626 show hall positioning themselves right in front of your major prospects? What if people wearing special glasses wererepparttar 119627 only attendees able to see your exhibit display? What if you tried this exercise? Slay a dragon

Dragons elicit fears and fears often stand inrepparttar 119628 way of you doing new and creative things. So many exhibitors fear uncharted territory. You fearrepparttar 119629 unknown and you fear failure. Take time to look at those fiendish creatures that hold you back from being and doing all you can before, during and afterrepparttar 119630 show. What dragons can you slay? Learn from others

There are countless people and situations you can learn from. The key is being open and receptive, and in essence, being prepared to be a lifelong learner. Look torepparttar 119631 past and learn from historical figures, borrow ideas from innovators, learn from others’ mistakes, use ideas fromrepparttar 119632 patterns and cycles in nature. Where can you look for some magical theory? Transport people to another place

J.K. Rowling performed incredible magic transporting people aroundrepparttar 119633 world torepparttar 119634 enchanted magical world of wizards, spells and mythical beasts. In fact there is a wealth of folklore, mythology and history that shimmers beneathrepparttar 119635 surface of her stories. How can magic you dream up transport your exhibiting program to another level? Go where others fear to tread

When you exerciserepparttar 119636 courage to do something different, you take a risk. You have a risk muscle that you keep in shape through regular exercise. It takes courage, a pioneering spirit and a sense of adventure to overcomerepparttar 119637 scary stuff and seek out unknown opportunities. How can you exercise your risk muscle? Believe in your success

Thomas Edison once said, "The value of an idea lies inrepparttar 119638 using of it." Believe thatrepparttar 119639 creative ideas you conjure up will bring you untold successes. Now all you need do is wave your magic wand to put them into action. Which ideas will you start with? The moral ofrepparttar 119640 article is to never get caught without your wand, as you never know when you might need it!

Written by Susan A. Friedmann,CSP, The Tradeshow Coach, Lake Placid, NY, author: “Meeting & Event Planning for Dummies,” working with companies to improve their meeting and event success through coaching, consulting and training. Go to http://www.thetradeshowcoach.com to sign up for a free copy of ExhibitSmart Tips of the Week.

An Often Overlooked Secret of Marketing and Negotiating for Real Estate Investors Looking for Deals

Written by Jason Van Orden

Continued from page 1

Now think about what you tell someone when they ask you what you do. Do you just say, “I buy houses”? Or do you say something like, “I buy houses in ten days or less without closing costs or cleanup forrepparttar seller.”

Do you seerepparttar 119623 difference? I often say that you are not inrepparttar 119624 business of buying and selling houses. When it comes to your customers/clients, when it comes to marketing, when it comes to negotiating, you are inrepparttar 119625 business of stress relief and solving impossible problems. With that in mind, what arerepparttar 119626 specific benefits that you offer? Here are five types of benefits to consider:

1.Convenience: People love to save time, energy, and effort. Can you make someone’s life easier and more convenient?

2.Economy: People respond well to saving money or increasing how much money they have. Show themrepparttar 119627 money.

3.Peace of Mind: We all have a tendency to seek pleasure and avoid pain. People like to relax. Can you relieve their stress?

4.Ego: Can you appeal torepparttar 119628 human desire for recognition or better image?

5.Fun: People need a break. People like to form memories. People don’t like to be bored or constantly work. Can you provide a diversion?

Think about each of these categories. What benefits can you offer a seller or buyer in each of these areas? Use meaningful specifics when you write benefits. Don’t just say that you can buy their house fast. How fast? How much money can you get them?

To take it one step further, which ofrepparttar 119629 benefits that you offer are unique to you? The key to crackingrepparttar 119630 marketing code and attracting volumes of leads and deals is to answer this:

“Why should your prospect do business with you over any and every other option available to him/her?”

If you have a good answer to this question, your business, marketing, and negotiation will become tons easier and you will increaserepparttar 119631 stream of money into your bank account significantly. This isrepparttar 119632 message that you must communicate.

The answer to this question lies inrepparttar 119633 benefits that you offer that are unique to you. This answer to this question is what is called a Unique Selling Proposition.

By better understanding and communicatingrepparttar 119634 benefits that you offer, you will become a powerful salesperson. You will find that your marketing and negotiating become significantly easier bringing massive returns in your investing.

Jason Van Orden was the President of the Salt Lake Real Estate Investors Association in 2004. He also teaches investors marketing systems to find more deals and make more money with a minimum investment of their time and money. For more tips on how to market to get motivated sellers calling and begging to do business with you go to: http://www.find-real-estate-investing-deals.com/index.htm?article1

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