Exercise Your Way to Health with Ayurveda

Written by Shreelata Suresh

Continued from page 1

Do not look on exercise only asrepparttar means to another goal such as attaining an ideal weight or being able to compete in an athletic event. Exercise because in itself it is a health-giving activity when done properly.

When exercising, focus on your breathing andrepparttar 112952 activity you are engaged in, instead of seeking diversion inrepparttar 112953 form of television or a magazine. Your positive attention on your work-out will add torepparttar 112954 therapeutic benefits ofrepparttar 112955 exercise program.

To enhance circulation andrepparttar 112956 elimination of toxins, ayurvedic healers recommend that exercise be preceded by abhyanga,repparttar 112957 ayurvedic warm oil self-massage.

Customize Type of Exercise by Dosha

Ayurveda describes three psycho-physiological principles or doshas-Vata, Pitta and Kapha-that determine our constitution and personalities. Ayurvedic healers recommend that you chooserepparttar 112958 type of exercise you do, as well as its intensity and duration, based on your predominant dosha and your individual needs for balance.

If you have more Vata in your constitution, you gravitate towards quick bursts of high activity. You are quick to start an exercise program, but also likely to give it up just as quickly. Your mind is constantly in a whirl.

The ideal exercise options to balance Vata should incorporate slow movements, not be too tiring, and help settlerepparttar 112959 mind and body. Slow dancing, low impact aerobics, tai chi, leisurely swimming in warm water, badminton, walking and yoga are examples of Vata-balancing exercise activities.

If you are Pitta-predominant, you tend to be fiercely competitive and demanding of yourself. You like to not only compete but win. You look for individual activities that require strength, focus and speed. You tend to get frustrated when you fall short of your goals.

To keeprepparttar 112960 fire element in balance, exercise options should allow for enjoyment as well as competitiveness, and be cooling for mind and body. Water, ice or snow based activities such as swimming, downhill skiing, rowing, surfing and water-skiing are good choices. Walking or jogging in a cool shady area, tennis and yoga are also good Pitta-balancing options.

Kapha-predominant persons excel at activities requiring endurance and doggedness. They like team sports and do not get upset ifrepparttar 112961 scoreboard is not in their favor. They might not always be motivated to exercise, preferring a more sedentary lifestyle.

Activities to balance Kapha should draw onrepparttar 112962 strength and endurance power ofrepparttar 112963 Kapha individual but also seek to stimulate and generate intensity and liveliness. Distance walking or running, basketball, racquetball, football, aerobics, ice skating, cross country skiing and cycling are examples of Kapha-balancing exercise activities.

Note: This information is educational in nature and is not intended to replace standard medical care or advice.

Shreelata Suresh is a yoga instructor who lives in the Bay Area. She writes for various publications on yoga, ayurveda and Indian culture. For more articles on ayurveda and premier ayurvedic products, please visit http://www.ayurbalance.com.

How Do You Stay Fit While Traveling?

Written by Norm Goldman, Editor of sketchandtravel.com and bookpleasures.com

Continued from page 1


Why should couples be concerned about fitness activities when they are away on a romantic getaway or on their honeymoon?


Exercising for only 20-30 minutes each day will allow you to startrepparttar day healthy and help you make better choices throughoutrepparttar 112951 rest ofrepparttar 112952 day. Then, enjoying small indulgences like your favorite piece of pie or a few cocktails or sitting around byrepparttar 112953 pool for six hours will not seem like a big deal. Don't forget about that improved sex too!


How can we determinerepparttar 112954 quantity, quality, and brand of exercise equipment at recommended hotels if we never have been there?


Buy The Athletic-Minded Traveler (laughs). In addition to providing a comprehensive written review covering everything you want to know (room appearance, room service, free breakfast buffets, sheet thread-count, etc.) about each property, we also specifically detail in chart formrepparttar 112955 quantity of exercise machines, their condition,repparttar 112956 brands, weight/strength options, pool dimensions, running routes, etc. But, if you're going to a city that's not covered inrepparttar 112957 book,repparttar 112958 best you can do is call uprepparttar 112959 concierge and ask him/her your specific questions. Sometimes it even helps to confirm withrepparttar 112960 maintenance workers.


Very often when we vacation we seem to return home fully relaxed, however very much out of shape. How do we avoid this?


Make exercise part of your daily routine, just like showering or brushing your teeth. When you think about it, 20 minutes is not that much time at all. Especially while on a vacation, when you don't have to worry about going to work and all ofrepparttar 112961 other hassles at home.


There is always a temptation to overeat when we are on vacation. How can we fight off this temptation while atrepparttar 112962 same time still enjoy ourselves?


Like I was saying before, exercise will allow you to not fret so much over what you're eating and drinking. You may end up taking in more calories, but being active and exercising should help to burn those off fairly easily.


Are there any food we should avoid when we are on vacation and if so, why?


Vacation is supposed to be a break from all that troubles and worries you, right? When I go away, I like to eatrepparttar 112963 local food and experiencerepparttar 112964 local customs without concerns about how many calories are in my dinner, etc. Knowing that I performed my daily workout reassures me that anything I take in will be worked off either that same day orrepparttar 112965 next. So, no, don't worry about avoiding certain foods---just make sure to get in a daily sweat.


Is there anything else you would like to add?


Only that I've been really touched byrepparttar 112966 large number of people who have written us saying that they are so happy we wrote this book because they too were constantly frustrated byrepparttar 112967 travel industry's ignorance about fitness preferences. Letters and emails have come from hard-core athletes as well as recreational exercisers who just like to put in 20 minutes on a good elliptical machine or bike. Our goal all along was simply to provide a reliable resource that would help people enjoy a healthy lifestyle while onrepparttar 112968 road. So far, it seems that we've succeeded.

Visit SOCAL PRESS.COM to view a sample chapter and find more information about The Athletic-Minded" Traveler, a first-of-its-kind travel resource for those who enjoy a healthy lifestyle and working out while onrepparttar 112969 road.

Norm Goldman is editor of the travel site, sketchandtravel.com and the book reviewing site, bookpleasures.com.

Norm and his artist wife Lily are a unique husband and wife team who meld words with art focusing on romantic destinations and hospitality properties.

Norm and Lily are always open to receiving invitations from romantic destinations and hospitality properties in the USA.

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