Exercise The Right Way - The Stiff-Leg Deadlift

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1


Grasprepparttar bar with a closed pronated grip. Grip should be roughly shoulder width. Assume a hip width stance withrepparttar 112985 knees slightly flexed andrepparttar 112986 toes pointing straight ahead. Stand erect withrepparttar 112987 bar touchingrepparttar 112988 front ofrepparttar 112989 thighs andrepparttar 112990 elbows extended.


Allowrepparttar 112991 torso to slowly flex forward andrepparttar 112992 bar to lower torepparttar 112993 floor. Keeprepparttar 112994 knees slightly flexed andrepparttar 112995 torso in a flat back position. Lowerrepparttar 112996 bar untilrepparttar 112997 weights touchrepparttar 112998 floor.


Extendrepparttar 112999 hips and torso. Keeprepparttar 113000 knees slightly flexed andrepparttar 113001 torso in a flat back position. Repeat or finish set.

Rick Mitchell is the creator of the bodybuildingadvisor.com website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

Exercise The Right Way - The Machine Shoulder Press

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1

In this article we'll take a close look atrepparttar machine shoulder press.

MUSCLES TARGETED: anterior deltoid, medial deltoid


Sit down and lean back to assume good contact. Grasprepparttar 112984 handles with a closed pronated grip. Align handles withrepparttar 112985 top ofrepparttar 112986 shoulders.


Pushrepparttar 112987 handles upwards untilrepparttar 112988 elbows are fully extended. Do not archrepparttar 112989 lower back or lockrepparttar 112990 elbows.


Allowrepparttar 112991 elbows to slowly flex to lowerrepparttar 112992 handles torepparttar 112993 starting position. Repeat or finish set.

Rick Mitchell is the creator of the bodybuildingadvisor.com website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

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