Exercise The Right Way - The Back Squat

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1


Allowrepparttar hips and knees to slowly flex. Maintain a flat back, high elbows, withrepparttar 112994 chest up and out. Keeprepparttar 112995 heels onrepparttar 112996 floor withrepparttar 112997 knees aligned overrepparttar 112998 feet. Keep flexingrepparttar 112999 hips and knees untilrepparttar 113000 thighs are parallel torepparttar 113001 floor.


Extendrepparttar 113002 hips and knees atrepparttar 113003 same rate. Maintain a flat back, high elbows, withrepparttar 113004 chest up and out. Keeprepparttar 113005 heels onrepparttar 113006 floor withrepparttar 113007 knees aligned overrepparttar 113008 feet. Keep extendingrepparttar 113009 hips and knees to return torepparttar 113010 starting position. Repeat or finish set.

Rick Mitchell is the creator of the bodybuildingadvisor.com website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

Add Intensity To Your Muscle Building Workout

Written by Rick Mitchell

Continued from page 1

5. Introduce supersets - this involves performing two exercises forrepparttar same muscle group without a rest interval. This means you have to utilize different muscle fibers which stimulate greater growth.

6. Use partial reps - atrepparttar 112993 point of failure you will not be able to completerepparttar 112994 full range of movement for a given exercise. Completing a partial rep that uses only a segment ofrepparttar 112995 lift will still work your muscles beyondrepparttar 112996 point of failure. This technique is especially useful to advanced bodybuilders as it allows them to increase intensity without adding extra routines that could cause overtraining.

7. Use isometric contractions - this involves holdingrepparttar 112997 weight still atrepparttar 112998 point of failure to stimulate a static contraction inrepparttar 112999 muscle.

8. Employ forced reps - this involves completing one or more final reps afterrepparttar 113000 point of failure has been reached. You will needrepparttar 113001 assistance of an experienced helper to attempt this.

Once you have added these techniques to your training regimen you'll know you've done your best to maximize muscle growth.

Rick Mitchell is the creator of the bodybuildingadvisor.com website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

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