Exercise Bikes vs. Treadmills

Written by Michael Walker

Continued from page 1

You might also find it difficult to use it long enough per workout session to getrepparttar full benefits. Most people find it easier to workout for 20 minutes on an exercise bike than 20 minutes on a treadmill. You have to think about that. If you are likely to only do 10 minutes on a treadmill but can easily do 20 minutes on an exercise bike, you will burn more calories per session on an exercise bike.

So just going strictly byrepparttar 112833 numbers, treadmills burn more calories. If you easily get bored or have tried and failed to stick with exercise routines inrepparttar 112834 past, you might want to consider burning less calories per hour in favor of a sustainable long-term exercise bike regimen.

Your Safety

The biggest difference between exercise bikes and treadmills is overall safety to your body.

The first case of safety isrepparttar 112835 most basic. You can fall off of a treadmill. It’s very difficult, however, to fall off of an exercise bike. In fact, you would probably have to try to fall when riding an exercise bike. While you might be thinking you’d have to be pretty clumsy to fall while walking, it happens more than you’d think. People get involved with watching television orrepparttar 112836 beat of music. One wrong step and you can seriously injure yourself. It’s also possible to spill water or sweat onrepparttar 112837 treadmill track, causing a safety hazard you might not notice until after you’ve slipped.

Another safety hazard is injury fromrepparttar 112838 activity itself. A treadmill puts quite a bit of stress on your joints, especially your knees and ankles. Even if you invest in a treadmill with some degree of shock absorption, when you eventually get to a jogging or running point, you can put severe orthopedic stress on your body, even up to three times your body weight. People with existing conditions such as arthritis will find a treadmill painful at times due to this stress. Otherwise healthy individuals can sustain injury and possible long-term damage over time.

Exercise bikes put much less stress on your joints. A properly positioned exercise bike supports your weight and still allows you to receiverepparttar 112839 benefits of a higher impact cardio workout. Upright bikes can sometimes stress your back inrepparttar 112840 way you have to bend to reachrepparttar 112841 handlebars. Recumbent exercise bikes, however, can actually improve existing back pain by forcing proper posture and giving support as you exercise. On any exercise bike properly used, your knees and ankles are not stressed as they are on a treadmill.

The less you stress joints,repparttar 112842 less likely you are to sustain an injury during your workout. You are also less likely to be sore afterwards. Most importantly, a non-workout injury doesn’t always have to halt your exercise routine on an exercise bike. If you hurt your back or neck, you will findrepparttar 112843 support of a recumbent exercise bike will keep you from having to stop your exercise regimen altogether. Let’s face it – if you have to stop, you are less likely to start again.

An Exercise Bike is Better for Your Health than a Treadmill

As you can see, both pieces of home fitness equipment have advantages. Whilerepparttar 112844 treadmill continues to berepparttar 112845 most popular piece of home gym equipment, most people are more likely to faithfully use an exercise bike. This means you’re more likely to have to dust a treadmill until it getsrepparttar 112846 garage sale sticker.

Michael Walker is a freelance author providing useful information about exercise bikes, recumbent exercise bikes and mini exercise bikes.

How to Lose Weight with an Exercise Bike Program

Written by Michael Walker

Continued from page 1

If you plan on listening to music or watching TV while you cycle, be sure to pay attention to features that will makerepparttar exercise bike quieter. It’s also a good idea to get a quieter bike if you live with other people. For all you know, your workout time is going to be 5AM or midnight. A quieter bike won’t disturb other people in your home.

Don’t Try to Be Lance Armstrong Yet…

People beginning exercise programs are sometimes too ambitious. It’s good to be excited, but you have to remain realistic. If your last exercise program failed because it was just too much work, don’t makerepparttar 112832 same mistake again. Fightrepparttar 112833 urge to overdo your first workouts. It is critical to your long-term success that you start out slow. If you go from no exercise at all to 5 to 10 minute exercise bike workouts with little resistance, you are much more likely to avoid injury, soreness, and most of all, early feelings of defeat. If you aim too high – expecting to go from a sedentary lifestyle to 45 minute workouts immediately, for example – you are setting yourself up for failure. When you don’t reach your unattainable goal, it is more likely you’ll quit altogether to alleviaterepparttar 112834 feeling of failure that much sooner.

The perfect bikes for people who get a bit over-excited are exercise bikes with built in riding programs. You simply start out atrepparttar 112835 lowest level, andrepparttar 112836 bike determines your workout. You program in a small goal (10 minutes, 50 calories, or .25 mile) and when you reach that goal, your workout is over.

Findingrepparttar 112837 Time

You do have time to burn fat and calories on an exercise bike. No matter how intense your schedule is, there are people busier than you who find time to make an exercise routine work. They are not better than you. They don’t have more than 24 hours in a day. They simply figured out how to make it work. You can, too.

It can be as simple asrepparttar 112838 time of day you chose to workout inrepparttar 112839 past. There is scientific evidence that people who are “morning people” or “night owls” are physically different. Different people have energy at different times. Think about when you work best. If you wake up without an alarm clock ready to go, you should exercise first thing inrepparttar 112840 morning. If you are a night owl, you should consider working out at night. You might find that you are one ofrepparttar 112841 people who tire yourself out enough with a night workout to sleep like a baby.

You Can Do This!

Losing weight is not a punishment. You are smart enough to know how to eat a little better and become more active. If you are honest with yourself, you will chooserepparttar 112842 proper bike. You want to look forward torepparttar 112843 workout itself. Don’t get caught up in which bike burns more calories. Find an exercise bike you will enjoy riding. Figure outrepparttar 112844 time of day that’s best for you to exercise. Make it like getting dressed or bathing – it’s just something you do every day. You don’t have to train forrepparttar 112845 Tour de France. You just have to get on and do something every day. Ten minutes a day will yield results. Bookmark this article for future motivation, find your exercise bike, and get busy!

Michael Walker is a freelance author providing useful information about exercise bikes, spinning bikes and mini exercise bikes.

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