Exercise: Why You Should Do It

Written by Aaron Potts

Continued from page 1

Okay, so you've determined that you aren't exactly Olympic athlete material. So what? You don't even like sports, let alone being very good at them. That's fine, and there is nothing wrong with that. So what about fat? Do you like bodyfat? Do you find it physically appealing? Do you think it's healthy? If so, we're done speaking. Go on about your business, and thanks for reading this far.

For everyone else, here is a newsflash: In America today -repparttar year 2004 - obesity related health conditions account for more deaths inrepparttar 112847 United States each year than all known forms of cancer COMBINED. Heart Disease alone isrepparttar 112848 number one killer of American adults, and it is a PREVENTABLE CONDITION!

How about self-esteem? 64% of Americans are overweight. That is almost two-thirds ofrepparttar 112849 population. If you think that a figure like that andrepparttar 112850 skyrocketing sales of prescription anti-depressants aren't related, you now have a second opportunity to stop reading this article and continue on with your day.

Here isrepparttar 112851 bottom line, folks: Exercise and a reasonable nutrition program are necessary for ALL people, for their ENTIRE lives. Note, however, that I said "exercise", and that I also said "reasonable nutrition program". At no point did I say anything about spending 2 hours per day atrepparttar 112852 gym, or about eating nothing but carrots and celery forrepparttar 112853 rest of your life. Why? Those practices are just as ineffective at long-term weight loss as diet pills and late night infomercial products. Here is what DOES work:

1)Weight/Resistance Training - Weight training for both men and women hasrepparttar 112854 same effect - it makes your muscles more metabolically active. In simpler terms, it means your muscles will burn more calories - even when you are sleeping. Muscle isrepparttar 112855 only site on your body where bodyfat is broken down. Weak muscles

Aaron Potts is the owner and creator of Fitness Destinations. Aaron's experience in the health and fitness industry includes one on one personal training in many different environments, maintenance of several health-related websites, and authoring of many fitness-related products for consumers and fitness professionals. http://www.fitnessdestinations.com/journal.html

Personal Training: 3 Powerful Ways To Position Yourself As An Expert

Written by Aaron Potts

Continued from page 1

Utilizing a "position of power" is one ofrepparttar most effective methods of positioning yourself as an expert in your field. Approaching a situation from a position of power is simplyrepparttar 112846 art of assuming that whoever you are talking to already perceives you to be an expert. Remember that a person's perception is their reality, so as long asrepparttar 112847 other person believes that you are an expert, then in their eyes, you are!

For example, let's userepparttar 112848 story of a talented personal trainer who is applying forrepparttar 112849 position of Director of Fitness Programming at a small but successful local gym. We will call our imaginary professional Joe Trainer, and we will say forrepparttar 112850 record that Joe does indeed hold an effective track record inrepparttar 112851 personal training industry. His clients have benefited from his knowledge and guidance, and he has successfully changed many people's lives in a positive manner. However, Joe Trainer has never been a "Director of Fitness Programming" before. Is he qualified forrepparttar 112852 job?

Let's review Joe's history. He has worked or worked out in dozens of gyms overrepparttar 112853 years. Joe has utilized all manner of fitness equipment, from paint cans in his garage when he was a teenager, allrepparttar 112854 way up throughrepparttar 112855 most modern computerized workout machines available in some of today's fitness facilities. Joe has put together hundreds of different workout programs for hundreds of different people overrepparttar 112856 years, and we have already determined that his client track record is excellent. Joe has also been called upon many times overrepparttar 112857 years to recommend fitness equipment purchases to his many clients, including a cost to benefit ratio analysis (in other words, ifrepparttar 112858 equipment is worthrepparttar 112859 money). Joe has also been exposed to many different lines of nutritional supplements, dietary guidelines, and he has even taken aerobics classes and yoga from time to time.

Has Joe Trainer ever been a "Director of Fitness Programming" before? No. However, is Joe Trainer qualified for that position? Most likely yes! However, now Joe has a dilemma. He has scheduled an interview withrepparttar 112860 local gym, he really wantsrepparttar 112861 job, but he is nervous aboutrepparttar 112862 fact that he has never really been a "Director of Fitness Programming" or a director of anything at all, for that matter. Joe now has 2 choices.

Choice number one is for Joe to go torepparttar 112863 interview, ramble on uncontrollably aboutrepparttar 112864 hundreds of clients that he has successfully trained, babble about how many different gyms he has been in, and go into mindless detail about why he thinks Supplement A is better than Supplement B.

Do you think Joe will getrepparttar 112865 job? Let's try a different approach.

Joe mentally prepares forrepparttar 112866 interview by reviewingrepparttar 112867 many different ways that his experience will benefitrepparttar 112868 facility. He puts together a few examples of how he successfully recommended or used one type of fitness equipment more effectively than a different type. Joe puts together mental notes about how aerobics and group exercise classes have added success to his training programs overrepparttar 112869 years, and how incorporating a cross training approach has kept his clients motivated and continually seeing results from their training programs.

By this point, Joe's confidence in his ability to be a "Director of Fitness Programming" has increased, and he honestly believes that it is not him who is being interviewed, but it is he who is interviewingrepparttar 112870 facility. Joe doesn't need this job - he has proven his ability to make a living as a personal trainer dozens of times overrepparttar 112871 years. He is applying for this position because he believes that he can be a great asset torepparttar 112872 facility, and he wants to expand his experience inrepparttar 112873 field. In fact,repparttar 112874 facility would be lucky to have him! For that matter, he may already be considering counteringrepparttar 112875 posted pay scale with an increase if they want to hire him. After all, he is Joe Trainer, and his success record speaks for itself!

Now, do you think Joe will getrepparttar 112876 job? Pretty safe bet.

Isrepparttar 112877 Joe Trainer inrepparttar 112878 first example any different thanrepparttar 112879 Joe Trainer usingrepparttar 112880 second approach? No - we're talking aboutrepparttar 112881 same person. What is different then? Joe's belief in himself - and more importantly - Joe's ability to showrepparttar 112882 facility how they would be missing a great opportunity if they didn't hire him. It is Joe who is interviewingrepparttar 112883 facility, notrepparttar 112884 other way around. Joe assumed a "Position of Power" before he even got to his interview. He walked out with a new title and a nice salary, an increased confidence in his own abilities, andrepparttar 112885 opportunity to mold an entire staff of personal trainer into successful, results-oriented Fitness Professionals!

This same concept can also be applied when negotiating with potential new clients. Remember that you arerepparttar 112886 fitness professional. You arerepparttar 112887 one withrepparttar 112888 knowledge andrepparttar 112889 experience thatrepparttar 112890 client needs. You are not asking them to be your clients, but rather you are giving themrepparttar 112891 opportunity to become your clients.


As you can see, as Fitness Professionals inrepparttar 112892 ever-growing field of health and physical fitness, we have many tools at our disposal when it comes to positioning ourselves as experts. However, we have an equal amount of responsibility to not utilize these tools unless we are 100% confident in our status as experts in our chosen disciplines. Use your knowledge and your tools wisely and appropriately, and you will see your professional and personal success grow beyond your wildest dreams!

Aaron Potts is the author and creator of The Ultimate Complete Personal Training Business Kit, a quick-start kit and business guide for new as well as seasoned fitness professionals. Find out more about Aaron's programs at http://www.completepersonaltrainingbusiness.com or his personal training site at http://www.aaronspersonaltraining.com

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