Exercise: Why YOU Should Do It

Written by Aaron Potts

Continued from page 1

How about self-esteem? 64% of Americans are overweight. That is almost two-thirds ofrepparttar population. If you think that a figure like that andrepparttar 112884 skyrocketing sales of prescription anti-depressants aren't related, you now have a second opportunity to stop reading this article and continue on with your day.

Here isrepparttar 112885 bottom line, folks: Exercise and a reasonable nutrition program are necessary for ALL people, for their ENTIRE lives. Note, however, that I said "exercise", and that I also said "reasonable nutrition program". At no point did I say anything about spending 2 hours per day atrepparttar 112886 gym, or about eating nothing but carrots and celery forrepparttar 112887 rest of your life. Why? Those practices are just as ineffective at long-term weight loss as diet pills and late night infomercial products. Here is what DOES work:

1)Weight/Resistance Training - Weight training for both men and women hasrepparttar 112888 same effect - it makes your muscles more metabolically active. In simpler terms, it means your muscles will burn more calories - even when you are sleeping. Muscle isrepparttar 112889 only site on your body where bodyfat is broken down. Weak muscles = weak metabolism. Weak metabolism = slow calorie burning. 2)Cardiovascular Training - Contrary to popular belief, this type of training is meant to help your cardio-respiratory system function more effectively, and ultimately to last longer. Does it burn a lot of calories? Sure it does. However, if you don't combine it with resistance training and supportive nutrition, you'll likely just burn off water weight andrepparttar 112890 muscle tissue that you worked so hard for up in step number 1. 3)Reasonable Nutrition Program - Quality sources of complex and fibrous carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, and lean sources of protein. Eat those nutrients in reasonable proportions frequently throughout your day, and your metabolism (refer again to #1) will crank up to high, and you'll be burning more calories on a day to day basis than you ever have before in your life.

So far we have seen that not only can exercise keep us out of a nursing home, but it can also keep off excess levels of bodyfat which will - literally - keep us alive. We haven't even touched on sports performance, recreational activities, improved energy levels, ability to focus, or many ofrepparttar 112891 other benefits of a regular exercise program.

Personally, I'd be happy with just staying out of a nursing home, and staying alive long enough to look good in a bathing suit. What about you?

Aaron Potts is the owner and creator of Fitness Destinations. Aaron's experience in the health and fitness industry includes one on one personal training in many different environments, maintenance of several health-related websites, and authoring of many fitness-related products for consumers and fitness professionals. http://www.fitnessdestinations.com

Cross Training

Written by Aaron Potts

Continued from page 1

To summarize, here are but a few ofrepparttar ways that you can cross train your muscles:

* Heavier Weights * Higher Number of Repetitions * Changerepparttar 112883 Position of Your Body * Modifyrepparttar 112884 Speed ofrepparttar 112885 Exercise * Use Machines as well as Free Weights

Challenging Your Cardiovascular System

Just likerepparttar 112886 muscular system, your body will find ways to adapt torepparttar 112887 cardiovascular training that you do, and before long you will stop seeing a high degree of results. Let's try to use some ofrepparttar 112888 same concepts that we applied to resistance training, and see if they also apply to cardiovascular training!

Heavier Weights

How can you make yourself heavier? Most people are trying to make themselves LIGHTER when they exercise! However, if you are able to find a safe way to increaserepparttar 112889 total amount of weight that your body is moving during cardiovascular training, don't you think thatrepparttar 112890 activity would be more difficult, and force your body to adapt? Sure it would!

A common method that people use to do this is one that you should NOT do, and that is strap on wrist weights or ankle weights, or to carry dumbbells while you are doing cardio. Although this does increaserepparttar 112891 total amount of weight being moved by your body, it also puts a stress on your joints that is not natural, and therefore, not a good idea. However, alternatives that DO work include putting on an adjustable weighted vest, or even just strapping on a backpack with some weights or books in it! The idea is to keeprepparttar 112892 additional weight as close to your body as possible, away from easily damaged joints.

Higher Number of Repetitions

Although you don't normally count repetitions when you are doing cardio, you DO take a certain number of steps, have a certain number of revolutions per minute onrepparttar 112893 elliptical orrepparttar 112894 bike, or you take a certain number of steps onrepparttar 112895 stair master. Do you think that increasing those numbers would help? You bet! Whether it be by staying onrepparttar 112896 equipment for longer, or just working out harder to get a higher number of steps or revolutions inrepparttar 112897 same amount of time, either way you have changedrepparttar 112898 stimulus on your cardiovascular system (not to mention your legs!), and by reacting to that new stress, your cardiovascular system will burn more calories while adapting torepparttar 112899 new program.

Changerepparttar 112900 Position of Your Body

You may be asking yourself at this point just how many positions canrepparttar 112901 body be in when you are walking onrepparttar 112902 treadmill? The answer is PLENTY! Changingrepparttar 112903 incline ofrepparttar 112904 equipment is an obvious way to changerepparttar 112905 position of your body, provided you continue to STAND UP STRAIGHT. If you hunch over, or grabrepparttar 112906 machine for support, you are defeatingrepparttar 112907 purpose. What about leaning backwards or forwards when riding a bike, or peddling an elliptical? By changingrepparttar 112908 angle at which your legs are pushing onrepparttar 112909 machine, you are most certainly changingrepparttar 112910 stimulus, forcing your body to adapt!

Modifyrepparttar 112911 Speed ofrepparttar 112912 Exercise

This one pretty much goes without saying! Go faster, and you'll burn more calories, and elicit a new adaptive response from your body. However, what about going slower? What if you are used torepparttar 112913 Cycling class where your instructor seems to be made of steel, and can spin his/her legs around 80,000 times a minute for 30 minutes straight? Can slowing down be as effective as that? Sure it can! Trying reaching down to tighten uprepparttar 112914 resistance knob on that bike past your normal comfort level, and it's guaranteed that your body and your legs will have to find a new way to provide energy, even though you are actually going slower than you were a few minutes ago.

Use Machines as well as Free Weights

Other than what we discussed above with weight vests/backpacks vs. ankle/wrist weights, you really don't use free weights during cardio. However, you DO ride a treadmill or an exercise bike or a stair master on a regular basis, right? Trade those machines in forrepparttar 112915 real thing! Go outside and go for a brisk walk or a jog. Use a REAL bike and get out for some fresh air and an invigorating ride around your area. Find a tall building in your area and walk up and downrepparttar 112916 stairs. It's a safe bet that after a few flights you'll be wishing you were back onrepparttar 112917 stair master with it's motorized movement assistance!

The examples above have been just a few ways that you can cross train your body. There are many different training protocols, and literally thousands of different exercises thatrepparttar 112918 human body is capable of. You should research as many different training protocols as possible, and even enlistrepparttar 112919 aid of a personal trainer if you need help setting up a program for yourself, or to changerepparttar 112920 program that you are already on. Remember,repparttar 112921 key is to make your body ADAPT to new stimulus as often as possible!

Now get out there and get some exercise!

Aaron Potts is the owner and creator of Fitness Destinations. Aaron's experience in the health and fitness industry includes one on one personal training in many different environments, maintenance of several health-related websites, and authoring of many fitness-related products for consumers and fitness professionals. http://www.fitnessdestinations.com

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