Executive Performance -- Who's to Blame for Incompetent Managers?

Written by Dr. Robert Karlsberg and Dr. Jane Adler

Continued from page 1

Every executive has strengths in some arena. The first key to effective leadership is correct placement. If an executive doesn’t haverepparttar talent for one area, he or she should be givenrepparttar 135292 opportunity to do a different job. Richard Branson, billionaire founder ofrepparttar 135293 Virgin Group of companies, believes strongly that if an employee is not excelling in one area ofrepparttar 135294 company, he or she should be givenrepparttar 135295 opportunity to do well in a different Virgin Group job. At Virgin, firing is seldom an option.

Coaching, too, can make a difference. It’s understandable that company leaders would hesitate to throw good money after bad by investing in coaching for problem managers. However, many organizations indiscriminately assign rising managers to executive development programs regardless ofrepparttar 135296 specific needs ofrepparttar 135297 individual. This is clearly a waste of time and money. Highly targeted and personalized executive coaching can be far more cost-effective in developing leadership competence.

Today’s organization can’t afford to lose quality people due to managerial incompetence. But wasting time affixing blame won’t help. Greater investment in effective evaluation and coaching is a drop inrepparttar 135298 bucket compared torepparttar 135299 expense of recruiting and training new people – not to mentionrepparttar 135300 ultimate cost of employee disengagement and apathy.

Dr. Robert Karlsberg and Dr. Jane Adler are senior leadership consultants and founders of Strategic Leadership LLC. They work with senior executives to maximize performance, facilitate transitions and accelerate major change initiatives. Contact them at 301-530-5611 or visit http://www.PsychologyofPerformance.com

Allan Kempert Discovered That Truly All You Gotta Do Is Ask.

Written by Chuck Yorke

Continued from page 1

While writing All You Gotta Do Is Ask, I would share thoughts and ideas with Allen. Following is one ofrepparttar implemented ideas that Allan recently shared with me:

BEFORE IMPROVEMENT Cotton rags are used to clean lubricant off machines, parts and operators hands. Employees collect rags in a fireproof can and periodically duringrepparttar 134938 week, will come to a central location inrepparttar 134939 plant to count out their rags, one by one. One operator submitted and had approved an IDEA to put a small counter on his fireproof can. As he was putting rags intorepparttar 134940 can, he simply toggled off how many rags went intorepparttar 134941 can. When he went to drop offrepparttar 134942 rags atrepparttar 134943 central location, all he had to do was dumprepparttar 134944 rags.

Allan was readingrepparttar 134945 Quick & Easy Kaizen board, where IDEAS are posted for sharing, and read aboutrepparttar 134946 counter idea. He then encouraged an employee to speak torepparttar 134947 person in charge ofrepparttar 134948 recycling program forrepparttar 134949 rags and investigate why there was a need to countrepparttar 134950 rags at all. It turns out that approximately 15 years prior,repparttar 134951 supplier ofrepparttar 134952 rags wasrepparttar 134953 only one keeping track ofrepparttar 134954 rag counts and there were discrepancies. Part ofrepparttar 134955 solution was to have both parties countrepparttar 134956 rags for a short period of time to determine what was happening. However,repparttar 134957 counting continued from then on.

AFTER IMPROVEMENT All operators inrepparttar 134958 plant have been asked to discontinue counting rags.

EFFECT Operator’s jobs are easier and from one IDEA to make an operator’s job easier by adding a counter to his can,repparttar 134959 company has uncovered over 150 hours per year to be more productive. Some people may be embarrassed that such a miscommunication would happen and feel uncomfortable sharing it. However, Allan says, "lets exposerepparttar 134960 waste without pointing fingers, reaprepparttar 134961 reward and learn from our mistakes asrepparttar 134962 only true mistakes are those which we don't learn from".

Allen continues to lead his people to find small improvements to make their job better, large improvements will also be uncovered. He was recently promoted to Assistant Production Supervisor.

Chuck Yorke is an organizational development and performance improvement specialist, trainer, consultant and speaker. He is co-author of “All You Gotta Do Is Ask,” a book which explains how to promote large numbers of ideas from employees. Chuck may be reached at ChuckYorke@yahoo.com

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