Executive Coaching and Effective Learning

Written by CMOE Development Team

Continued from page 1

Executive Coaching fromrepparttar Center for Management and Organization Effectiveness (CMOE) consists of highly experienced professionals with “time inrepparttar 141054 trenches,” who understandrepparttar 141055 real demands and pressures you face. Further, they utilize a proven process that will enable you to define priorities, create effective action plans, and stick with your commitments.

If you’ve struggled with changingrepparttar 141056 status quo; if you’ve found yourself overwhelmed by competing demands for your professional and personal energies; if you’re wondering how to createrepparttar 141057 career track that will bring yourepparttar 141058 most satisfaction; if you need assistance in time and life management, strategic thinking, or interpersonal relationships, CMOE’s Executive Coaches may be your solution.

To learn more about Executive Coaching or other leadership skills offered by CMOE, please contact one of their Regional Managers at (801)569-3444. They will be more than willing to discuss their worldwide experience with you in more detail.

Auto-Disqualification - When Your Resume Never Reaches the Decision Maker

Written by Steven Bristow

Continued from page 1

Many applicants are concerned that they have worked for only one company or in only one industry and that their skills are not transferable to other industries. This is when your marketing skills are truly tested. Marketing yourself is very similar to marketing a product. Find out what is going to make you attractive torepparttar employer as a potential employee and showcase those skills in your resume.

So, how can you avoid "Auto-Disqualifying"

Example: If you are applying for a management position but have never held a manager’s “title,” showcaserepparttar 141053 fact that you have managed others or supervised projects sorepparttar 141054 person reading your resume understands that you haverepparttar 141055 necessary skills even though you have not heldrepparttar 141056 title. If your resume is not reflecting your skills, then it is probably being disqualified before it reaches a true decision maker. This is commonly known inrepparttar 141057 employment industry as “auto-disqualifying.”

Education, or lack of, is a tougher hurdle to overcome. Many positions have an educational requirement that some people have not achieved. This again brings us to marketing yourself. Showcase, through your resume, that you haverepparttar 141058 skills and knowledge to succeed atrepparttar 141059 position they are trying to fill. There are very few “perfect applicants” for any particular position, as a result decision makers typically must choose whom they feel is right forrepparttar 141060 job based on skills, experience and you’re your ability to fit into their team.

Do you know if your resume is reaching decision makers? Market your skills through your resume to ensure your resume is actually reachingrepparttar 141061 true decision maker and increase your chances of landing that interview!

Steven Bristow is a senior consultant for R.L. Stevens & Associates Inc. (http://www.interviewing.com), a career marketing firm and organization celebrating over 24 years of providing strategic marketing solutions for its clients’ career transitioning needs.

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