Excuse Me, Your Website is Naked!

Written by Cathy Goodwin

Continued from page 1

(4) Your choice of attire signals whether you're attending a high-powered meeting, representing a client in court or washing your car. Andrepparttar first words on your site tellrepparttar 129158 world who you are and what you do.

(5) Most successful people have a signature fashion style that says, "This is who I am." Onrepparttar 129159 web, discover your own writing voice and share your individual persona. Sanitized biographies ("Dr. Z is a well-known…") and copycat slogans are equivalent to shopping in a bargain megastore.

If you've got good fashion or word sense, you can get away with all sorts of rule-breaking. But if you show up wearing a bare bones birthday suit, most would say that's one rule too many.

Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D., author of Making the Big Move, helps midlife professionals navigate career and business transitions. "How Smart People Can Derail Their Transitions" complimentary Special Report http://www.cathygoodwin.com/subscribe.html . Contact: http://www.cathygoodwin.com/feedback.html Phone: 505-534-4194

Making a BMX Writer out of you

Written by Kevin Doberstein

Continued from page 1

Write an article to lengthy and you will probably lose you reader before he or she is done with it. I never write articles over 500 words. This article has 470 words. If you have a long article you should find sentences that could be taken out.

Generally when I submit pictures I send them by e-mail as .jpg extension files and I also send a clear hard copy (photo paper) torepparttar editor. I also mention who tookrepparttar 129157 picture and who is inrepparttar 129158 picture.

After finishing your article read it and make sure allrepparttar 129159 words are spelled correctly and you have used proper grammar. Also make surerepparttar 129160 article flows and makes sense. After doing that have at least one other person that is good inrepparttar 129161 subject of English proof it also. Even better have another person proof your work. Sometimes if it is an important article I will have a third person read it.

You can submit it to Evilbmx. The editors will look at it and decide if they will work it inrepparttar 129162 next e-zine. There is also many article directories you can submit it to onrepparttar 129163 web. Some ofrepparttar 129164 directories are: http://ezinearticles.com/add_url.html http://www.goarticles.com/

This article is copyright protected by Evilbmx and cannot be reproduced without permission.

Author Bio The contributing author is Kevin Doberstein. Kevin writes articles for www.evilbmx.biz. He is part owner of Evilbmx Clothing Company. You can contact Kevin by e-mail at this address stock666666@hotmail.com

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