Examples of Reptilian Behavior in the Workplace

Written by Susan Dunn, M.A.., The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

4. Defending your turf instead of defendingrepparttar merits of your proposal.

Chooserepparttar 106077 alternative that will bring results, notrepparttar 106078 one your ego's riding on. 5. Losing a client or sale because you "lose it".

Pain, physical and emotional, can also cause us to do things "without thinking."

6. Firing a good worker because you're "on fire".

The office thermostat causes a lot of stress in offices. When it gets too hot, we get groggy, then prone to anger and violence. 7. Freezing inrepparttar 106079 middle of your keynote speech.

The brain can't differentiate between what's real and not real. Speaking isn't life-threatening. It isn't even dangerous, but many of us act as if it were.

8. Pounding your chest instead of poundingrepparttar 106080 pavement.

Posturing rarely gets you what you want. Instead of bellowing, strutting and bluffing, try honest communication and empathy.

9. Snoozing and losing.

Sleep is primal; get enough or you'll be dosing off in meetings.

10. Shooting up instead of shooting uprepparttar 106081 corporate ladder. Addictions reside inrepparttar 106082 reptilian brain. Please get help if you need to. Passing out atrepparttar 106083 client-company picnic will ruin your career, and alcohol will ruin your life.

Susan Dunn,M.A., The EQ Coach, offers coaching and Internet courses in emotional intelligence; programs for an EQ culture in the workplace. Visit her on the web at www.susandunn.cc and mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine.

How To Get Your Email Messages Read

Written by Angela Booth

Continued from page 1

An honest, up-front subject line ensures your message will be read, ifrepparttar addressee is interested. For example, if I'm a customer of Sally's Garden Center, I'll be interested that she's having a sale, and will saverepparttar 106076 message.

=> The Message

TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT! Please. Don't obfuscate or waffle. If I don't know what you want after givingrepparttar 106077 message a quick read, I'm not going to read it twice. It's easier to hitrepparttar 106078 delete button.

Make your message short. Try to keep it at one screen, which means less than 200 words. Use plenty of white space, don't send merepparttar 106079 entire 200 words without a paragraph break.

HTML or text?

Your choice. However, I admit I'm biased against HTML. Not only because it's becomingrepparttar 106080 format of choice for spammers, but also because people who use HTML emphasizerepparttar 106081 medium, notrepparttar 106082 message.

A year or two ago Flash-animated Web sites were allrepparttar 106083 rage. They hadrepparttar 106084 same problem. Nothing much to say, and they said it with pretty pictures and glowing colors. Look, I read magazines. I watch TV. I don't need pretty pictures. I just want to know why you're sending me a message.

=> Don't send message attachments

With allrepparttar 106085 viruses around, this one should be obvious, but it's not.

If you want to send someone an attachment, send them an email message first, to let them know whatrepparttar 106086 attachment is, and ask them whether they want to receive it. (If you want to send someone a two megabyte file,repparttar 106087 answer will be NO. Whatever it is, send it by postal mail.)

Like most people, I don't open an attachment unless I know whorepparttar 106088 attachment is from, and whatrepparttar 106089 attachment is.

I expect to receive attachments from my clients. My students also innocently send attachments until I tell them that I prefer their exercises pasted into a text email, not sent as five DOC attachments.

If I don't know you, and you send me an attachment, I'll delete your message, includingrepparttar 106090 attachment.

=> Include ALL your contact details

Spammers never include verifiable names, phone and fax numbers, and postal addresses.

So you MUST include them if you want someone to take your email message seriously. This isrepparttar 106091 easiest way to differentiate yourself from spammers.

If someone trusts me enough to send me their phone and fax numbers, and their postal address, I know they're sending a serious message, and I'll readrepparttar 106092 message carefully.

Getting your email messages read is easy. Just treatrepparttar 106093 people you contactrepparttar 106094 same way you want to be treated. If you do that, your messages will be read.

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Veteran multi-published author and copywriter Angela Booth crafts words for your business --- words to sell, educate or persuade. E-books and e-courses on Web site. FREE ezines for writers and small biz: http://www.digital-e.biz/

Australian author and journalist Angela Booth is the editor and publisher of Creative Small Biz, a new free weekly ezine for writers, designers, photographers, artists and other creatives. Creative Small Biz helps creatives to transform their talents into a flourishing business.

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