"Examples In Joint Venture Marketing"

Written by GL Foltz

Continued from page 1

Joint ventures don't have to be limited to just two partners.

Beth Artistic, a luggage supplier, met Glenn Phraseturner, a vacation planner. Beth and Glenn realized that they each had businesses that compliment each other. The two were discussing a simple cross-advertising venture: Beth offering her products to Glenn's vacation clients and vice versa.

Enter Anne Golfpro (who happens to also sell a custom golfball line onrepparttar side.) Anne has an online forum for her very large niche clientelle (mostly clients [and their contacts] fromrepparttar 121379 private golf club where she serves asrepparttar 121380 club pro.) But Anne's website doesn't generate much new business for her golfball line.

Beth and Glenn offered their webdesign and copywriting skills and in exchange Anne allowed them to market to her high number of clients and forum visitors.

1.) Luggage, vacations and golf complement each other,

2.) Anne gets a hugely effective website design to boost her sales, *and* is able to offer her clients some value-added offers from Beth and Glenn,

3.) Beth, Glenn and Anne share advertising to each other's client database!

Creativity, innovation and opportunity are only as far away as your next contact and are just a few ofrepparttar 121381 benefits of joint venture marketing.

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GL Foltz, (11 years in the field of sales and marketing), has helped entrepreneurs succeed in their marketing and advertising goals through online and offline media with creative common sense. He specializes in comprehensive, long term market planning for the affiliate and individual entrepreneurs.

Yoda Speaks! 5 Success Secrets of the Master Jedi

Written by Donna Monday

Continued from page 1

What isrepparttar dark side of online marketing?

- MLM scams, pyramid schemes, get rich quick opportunities, SPAM

Yoda knows that we are easily lured and tempted by offers fromrepparttar 121378 dark side.

Who of us has not been tempted byrepparttar 121379 idea of easy wealth and more freedom to enjoy our lives, while lazily sitting around and doing nothing of value to earn it?

Beware ofrepparttar 121380 dark side. It will lead you to a life of empty promises and even emptier pockets.

"No! Try not . . . Do or do not. There is no try."

- Make up your mind to take action!

You always hear people say, "I'm going to try to do this or that." The word TRY is very wishy-washy. It allows us to have an escape hatch from taking any action.

For Example:

You've got a great idea for a web business that you're really excited about. You've done your research and found it's a perfect little niche area that won't require a lot of start up time or money.

You've talked your idea over with several people and they're all very enthusiastic and can't wait to see it up and running.

You've registered your domain name and foundrepparttar 121381 perfect host forrepparttar 121382 site. Now all that's left is for you to fill your web pages up with interesting content and your product pictures.

The next day you sit down at your computer and you . . . hesitate.

You're frozen by self-doubt.

Finally, you convince yourself that your idea isn't going to work after all. Oh well, at least you tried . . .

Tried to what? Get started?

Yoda is advising his Jedi to not letrepparttar 121383 word TRY be a part of their thinking. There is onlyrepparttar 121384 action word of: Do

You either DO something allrepparttar 121385 way or don't do it at all.

Mayrepparttar 121386 force be with you.

Copyright 2002 Donna Monday --------------------------------------- Are you a Starving Artist or just "starving" for freedom to liverepparttar 121387 life of your dreams? Don't give up! Knowledge is Power. Learn how to make real money online. Over 75+ "How To" Articles help give yourepparttar 121388 winning edge you need to succeed. http://www.MyCreativeCash.com

Donna Monday is a writer and webmaster of MyCreativeCash.com

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