Everything I Know About Relationship Success I Learned At The Playground

Written by Stanley J. Leffew

Continued from page 1

I was blessed earlier in life to have a couple who had been married over twenty-six years model this for me. Whenever anyone saw them together, they were holding hands and playfully giddy as if they had just started dating. When I asked what caused her to be this much in love with a man after so many years of marriage, she responded, "He fascinates me."

Let that sink in a moment.

Are you an interesting person? Would you consider yourself intriguing? Do you have interests in life that cause other people to want to be around you, or are you often bored?

A few things to note:

* Bored people are boring people.

* Having interests will help make us more fascinating in life.

* Inrepparttar world of relationship enrichment, "Couch Potatoes Need Not Apply".

Relationship Success Lesson #3 - The Principle of Forgiveness

As I stood and watched, two children were running onrepparttar 101533 playground in opposite directions, and I saw it coming before they did. They each circledrepparttar 101534 same object until they literally met inrepparttar 101535 middle. Two more kids came around and didrepparttar 101536 same thing.

Tempers flared, emotions ran high, tears ran down their cheeks and feelings were hurt. Less than two minutes later, they were off running and playing together, and all was forgotten.

What would happen in adult relationships if we learned how to do that? Instead of internalizing everything, we learn not to take it all so personally. Instead of holding grudges, we learn to hold hands.

Children have soft hearts - life can sometimes harden them.

Sheds a little light onrepparttar 101537 phrase, "Except you become like little children", doesn't it?

(C)Copyright 2004 advice-for-lifetime-relationships.com by Stanley J. Leffew ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!

Stanley J. Leffew is the author of, "How To Be Wanted For a Lifetime of Nights and Not Just a Night of a Lifetime". His Website is based on this same theme. His Site's unique Newsletter takes its readers into, "The Coffee Shop of Make-Believe", for life and relationship empowerment. The Coffee Shop is OPEN at http://advice-for-lifetime-relationships.com.

What ARE “Good Manners”?

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach & Consultant

Continued from page 1

No, in fact manners is about letting it all hang IN. Keeping some things inside, quiet, and to oneself, turning downrepparttar volume, slowing downrepparttar 101532 pace, out of consideration forrepparttar 101533 other. Allowingrepparttar 101534 other person some comfort, some space, some peace.

“A bore,” says Miss Post, “is said to be ‘one who talks about himself when you want to talk about yourself!’ which is superficially true enough,” she adds, “but a bore might more accurately be described as one who is interested in what does not interest you, and insists that you share his enthusiasm, in spite of your disinclination.” Boring others, then, is an act of rudeness (and one of my least favorites), because there is no thought given torepparttar 101535 interests or comfort ofrepparttar 101536 other.

“Nearly allrepparttar 101537 faults or mistakes in conversation,” says Miss Post, “are caused by not thinking.” Ah hah! Or by thinking only of oneself.

“A first rule for behavior in society,” she continues, “is: ‘Try to do and say those things only which will be agreeable to others.”

How far away from this we have gotten!

So, to have good manners we must learnrepparttar 101538 actions –repparttar 101539 “trivialities of deportment” – and then stop and think when we’re with others. Then we can avoid being tactless. “…[Y] ou must not talk aboutrepparttar 101540 unattractiveness of old age torepparttar 101541 elderly, aboutrepparttar 101542 joys of dancing and skating torepparttar 101543 lame, or aboutrepparttar 101544 advantages of ancestry torepparttar 101545 self-made,” says Miss Post.

Avoiding being rude, has a lot to do with Emotional Intelligence which, like good manners, can be learned. EQ requires self-awareness and empathy –repparttar 101546 ability to understand how your behavior affects others (and their feelings). It requires a strong interface between emotions and thinking. Blurting outrepparttar 101547 first thing on your mind (“What an ugly dress!) is rarelyrepparttar 101548 tactful thing to do. To be considerate of others takes Intentionality – intending to treat others well, and exercisingrepparttar 101549 self-discipline to do it. You might lower your voice, you know, steerrepparttar 101550 subject away from unpleasant things, cover your mouth when you cough ….

It’s easier to be rude. If you don’t believe this, watch two children at play. They will revert torepparttar 101551 lowest level. It’s easier to scream, stomp, grab, jabber, be messy and disorderly, and scratch where and when it itches, than to stop and think about what you’re doing, take others into consideration, and act accordingly.

It’s harder to be polite. Of course you’d rather boom your boom box and enjoy your music regardless of others; have a tantrum when you’ve been angered; turnrepparttar 101552 lights on when you come to bed though your spouse is sound asleep; ignorerepparttar 101553 customer because it’s all such a chore, you know, working; or perhaps even hit someone who annoys you. These arerepparttar 101554 easiest things to do, andrepparttar 101555 most mindlessly satisfying, because you can indulge yourself with no thought for others.

But what happens when everyone behaves that way? Then we have a rudeness epidemic. And how will we change that? One person at a time! As Mother Teresa said, whenrepparttar 101556 house is dirty don’t complain or call a committee, pick up a broom and start sweeping.

©Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach and Consultant, http://www.susandunn.cc . Coaching, Internet courses, business programs, teleclasses and ebooks around Emotional Intelligence. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine. I train and certify EQ coaches. Email me for information on this fact, affordable program with no residency requirement.

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