Ephedra Back on the Market

Written by Sharon Hardy

Continued from page 1

The US ban on ephedra was reversed on 14, April 2005, among other thingsrepparttar court clarified thatrepparttar 143641 FDA must followrepparttar 143642 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act(DSHEA)and can not treat dietary supplements like drugs or medical devices.

According torepparttar 143643 court low doses of ephedra do not pose significant or unreasonable risk by a preponderance ofrepparttar 143644 evidence. Companies that sell ephedra based products are allowed to resume selling products with no more than 10mg of naturally occurring ephedrine alkaloids.

Sharon Hardy is a partner of the AIM group for weight loss and fitness.

Dropping The Carbs - The Pro's and Cons of Ketogenic Dieting Part 1

Written by Andrew Langhorn

Continued from page 1
Sugar can be thought of as nitro-fuel forrepparttar body. It releases a very quick but harsh burst of artificial energy. In active individuals requiring peak performance from athletic pursuits, simple carbohydrates can be a useful tool, especially inrepparttar 143536 area of pre and post workout drinks. Much like a drag-racer using nitro fuel, this substance can be used to replace muscle glycogen and spare muscle wastage due to overtraining effects. Unfortunately few of us use sugar in this careful and controlled manner and are attempting to driverepparttar 143537 finely balanced engines of our bodies on a fuel which causes too much stress and strain on a system that was never designed to handlerepparttar 143538 excess we provide. So since low-carb diets almost completely eliminate sugar from our diets, we have already found one significant health benefit. GRAIN CONTROVERSY Most of our Western Governments offer health guidelines which ask us to base our food intake almost universally around grain-type carbohydrates, what were once grouped as starches. We know these most commonly as rice, pasta, potatoes and breads. These types of food appear to have been staples of our western diets since time immemorial (they’re not, but that’s another story). We are often told that eating these foods will leave us full, satisfied and full of a slow releasing stream of energy that is healthy and safe. Unfortunately, at least for human beings, this doesn’t always appear to berepparttar 143539 case. Not all grains are created equal for a start and this can be where grain advocates purposely or accidentally mislead. For instance most rice, particularly white rice, will convert to sugar almost immediately in our system and we’ve already seen some ofrepparttar 143540 devastating effects of excess sugar consumption. Grains, no matter what source they come from will cause elevated insulin levels. Forrepparttar 143541 very healthy amongst us, who have extremely sensitive insulin (either through good genetics, regular exercise or a combination of both) may be able to carefully use small quantities of grains to fuel their bodies throughrepparttar 143542 periods of high activity. However forrepparttar 143543 vast majority of people,repparttar 143544 excess of grains will result in almost allrepparttar 143545 same problems as sugar consumption. Many low-carb exponents are suspicious of medical advice to eat grains, many citing Government subsidies of mass agriculture. Eating grains is a very cheap and simple way of providing food, but cheap and simple is rarelyrepparttar 143546 same as healthy and good...

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Andrew Langhorn is a health and fitness enthusiast and has authored many articles and web sites relating to the field of health, fitness, diet, sports supplements and weight training.

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