Enzymes and A Gluten-Free Diet

Written by Loring A. Windblad

Continued from page 1

Inrepparttar case of Bio88+ (Plus), and many other “greens” products, if not all of them, if you are on a ‘gluten-free” diet because you are a celiac, you should not take anything which is in any way based upon wheat, rye, barley or oats – i.e., gluten containing grains. Any form of gluten can be an instant poisoning to your system.

There is a downside for people who must remain gluten-free. Gluten is a property of wheat, barley, oats and rye. Gluten is literally a poison to these people, especially to Ciliacs. Most “greens” products, dietary aids, are derived in part from whole grains including wheat, rye, barley and oats. If you are considering using a fruit/grain/vegetable derived greens product as a dietary supplement, make certain to do so only underrepparttar 113882 care of a physician.

Our next article, Part XIV, deals with doctors and some additional information not contained thus far in our series.

Disclaimer: These articles in no way should be taken as medical advice on any product or condition, nor do they constitute in any way medical advice endorsing any specific product, specific result, nor any possible cure for any condition or problem. They are meant as a source of information upon which you may base your decision as to whether or not you should begin using a greens product as a dietary supplement. If in doubt, or if you have questions, you should consult your physician and, if possible, consult a second physician for a possible different opinion. The author bears no responsibility for your decisions nor forrepparttar 113883 outcome of your actions based upon those decisions.

Loring Windblad has studied nutrition and exercise for more than 40 years, is a published author and freelance writer. His latest business endeavor is at http://www.organicgreens.us

Social Anxiety Disorder

Written by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Continued from page 1

Do I Have Social Anxiety Disorder? The most common fears associated with social anxiety disorder includerepparttar fear of public speaking,repparttar 113881 fear of meeting new people, andrepparttar 113882 fear of talking to strangers. People who suffer from social anxiety disorder may feel anxiety when performing in social settings, such as eating or drinking in public. Sufferers may fear more than one type of social setting. Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you think you may suffer from social anxiety disorder:

1. Do you avoid doing things with other people because you are afraid of embarrassing yourself or people judging you? 2. Are you terrified of beingrepparttar 113883 center of attention? 3. Do you avoid or become anxious in social situations where you may have to meet and/or speak with strangers?

What Can I Do About Social Anxiety Disorder? Its so difficult for a person with social anxiety disorder to reach out for help, but even making a small effort, like reaching out to a trusted friend or family member can start you onrepparttar 113884 road to recovery. Next follow these steps to help you reclaim your life:

Learn everything you can about social anxiety disorder. There is a ton of information inrepparttar 113885 library and online to help you better understand your symptoms andrepparttar 113886 situations that trigger anxiety. The more you know aboutrepparttar 113887 condition,repparttar 113888 more you will be able to understand and control your symptoms. Go to: http://www.stress-anxiety-depression.org.

Don’t be discouraged. Some people may try to tell you to get over it and get on with your life. But social anxiety disorder is not something you can just put behind you. It will take effort and persistence on your part to make progress.

Consider joining a support group for people with social anxiety disorders. It may be difficult to envision yourself in this social situation but you will gain positive enforcement and support from other people who are experiencingrepparttar 113889 same feelings that you are.

Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder Therapy: Behavior therapy may help sufferers learn to control their anxiety in social situations and reduce their anxiety that leads up to a frightening event. This type of therapy is very effective in alleviatingrepparttar 113890 symptoms of social anxiety disorder although it is quite time consuming and requires significant effort fromrepparttar 113891 patient.

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit http://www.ghchealth.com.

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