Enterprise Portals - The Next Big Thing

Written by Paul Brassil

Continued from page 1

Enterprise Portals often leveragerepparttar best of personalization and one-to-one marketing, allowing forrepparttar 109086 targeting of content and message to unique individuals. Thus, a customer might have access to product manuals or white papers that a partner would not be able to see. Atrepparttar 109087 same time,repparttar 109088 portals often rely on sophisticated CRM and campaign management systems inrepparttar 109089 implicit and explicit personalization and communications ofrepparttar 109090 site, allowingrepparttar 109091 company to interact with its customers and partners in better and more lucrative ways. Finally, Enterprise Portals offer amazing analytical data to companies about their customers and partners via direct feedback utilities, orrepparttar 109092 tracking of usage and navigation ofrepparttar 109093 site (andrepparttar 109094 implications of what their users are interested in).

In order to offer up such versatile functionality, Enterprise Portals are increasingly built on sophisticated development technologies. Often they'll have at their heart a complex application server/personalization engine such Broadvision One-To-One, ATG Dynamo, or BEA Weblogic. Additionally, Enterprise Portals many times need to integrate with backend legacy systems, requiring a robust and scalable EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) architecture. Open systems languages such as Java and XML make this easier by reducing proprietary interfaces and inconsistent standards.

Obviously, building a system that could be compared to a mini-ERP implementation is never easy, andrepparttar 109095 business process and data issues involved in constructing an Enterprise Portal are as complex as any ofrepparttar 109096 application development issues. With that said, companies recognizerepparttar 109097 operational efficiencies, cost savings, and potential revenue offerings of such sites, and it's only a matter of time before Enterprise Portals are as ubiquitous asrepparttar 109098 company 1-800 phone number.

Paul Brassil is the Manager of E-Business Development at EMC Corporation in Massachusetts and is responsible for EMC Powerlink, the company's Enterprise Portal. He can be reached at brassil_paul@emc.com.

Monitoring Customer Satisfaction on the Web

Written by Daryl Clark

Continued from page 1

To view a real Customer certified report, visitrepparttar survey results of our customers from our other Internet business at this URL:


With this information your new customers, current customers and you know how your customers feel about your company, services and products. You can makerepparttar 109085 necessary corrections to your operations, by monitoring your weekly results and reviewing real customer feedback.

In summary: It is hard to tell who to do business with onrepparttar 109086 Internet these days. You can put your customers at ease by letting them know you care about their satisfaction. There isn't a better way to reduce customer apprehension and assure customers of your legitimacy, than to have "Customer Certified Ratings" posted on your web site. Do not work inrepparttar 109087 dark, let your customers light your way by allowing them to tell everyone why they should do business with you.

Daryl Clark is President and CEO of EMarketingMan.com. His goal is to provide you with high quality information, management and internet consulting services. You can read his other articles at http://www.emarketingman.com/articlespolicy.htm. E-mail to: emarketingman-subscribe@topica.com

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