Enough About Me. How About YOU?

Written by Craig Valine

Continued from page 1


"You will be pleased to discover..."

Instead of:

"Our staff is experienced..."


"Your questions will be handled by qualified, experienced people..."

Instead of...

"We guarantee that our product will..."


"You will loverepparttar XR250 model, or you will receive double your money back!"

Doesrepparttar 121918 wording make more sense?

When you write a sales letter, copy for a website or email, put yourself inrepparttar 121919 mindset ofrepparttar 121920 reader of your letter. You should constantly say to yourself:

"What's In It For Me?"

It'srepparttar 121921 oldest lesson in sales. Maybe you've heard it this way: "What'srepparttar 121922 radio station everyone listens to?"

"WII FM" (What's in it for me?")

If you aren't consistently tellingrepparttar 121923 reader what's in it for her, she won't read your letter, brochure, email, etc.

To help you getrepparttar 121924 best results with your copy, here's something you can do that I learned from one of my teachers.

After writing your copy, go back and highlight each-and-every "I," "we," "our," and "us." Then, re-write each sentence with a "you attitude."

Let your prospects know you care about their interests. Speak in terms ofrepparttar 121925 benefits they will receive. Tell them what is in it for them. Because, they do not and will not care about you, until they know how much you care about them.

Craig Valine is the publisher of the The AwfulMarketing Alert Newsletter, "Where you learn GOOD marketing strategies by looking at those who do it really BAD." To subscribe his free newsletter, go to: http://awfulmarketing.com/ezinesubscribe.htm

6 Tips For Business Success

Written by Raymond Johnston Jr

Continued from page 1

4. Look Past Today - So many people starting out in business onrepparttar internet, do not haverepparttar 121917 patience to build a successful business. There are so many ofrepparttar 121918 "Get Rich Quick" schemes being pushed, that many lose sight of good solid business practices. To build a solid business, you must lay a good foundation. That takes work.

5. Don't Be Overwhelmed - It is very easy to become frustrated byrepparttar 121919 number of things required to operate a successful business onrepparttar 121920 internet. You have to put things in perspective. You have to be willing to put forthrepparttar 121921 effort required to learn. Don't be lured byrepparttar 121922 temptation to takerepparttar 121923 "easy" way. No matter what kind of promises you see, being a success is going to take work.

6. Educate Yourself - The more you learn aboutrepparttar 121924 marketing business,repparttar 121925 more successful you will be. There are many ways to educate yourself.

You can find a lot of free information out there that can help you in your quest to become more knowledgeable. I read a lot of that material and one can profit tremendously from these sources. In fact, if you are just getting started, I would urge you to read as much material as possible.

There is one fact in life that will never change. Most of us don't like to listen but there are people who have been where you want to go. They know some ofrepparttar 121926 small things that can help you get where you want to be. Most ofrepparttar 121927 time, this information does not come free.

You can work at something for years and byrepparttar 121928 process of time and experience, you will learn how to be successful. But there are those who have been there, done that. Take advantage and learn from them. If you are serious about your business, be willing to spend some money on your education.

Working your own business onrepparttar 121929 internet can be quite rewarding. Just make sure that you are willing to put forthrepparttar 121930 effort required to be successful. This includesrepparttar 121931 willingness to spend some time and money on your education. Also, don't expect that success to happen overnight and be willing to give that extra effort that will make yourself stand out fromrepparttar 121932 crowd. And most important of all, build a good reputation by associating yourself with quality products and services.

Raymond Johnston Jr is the publisher of Money For Hire Ezine which provides fresh content from some of the top marketing experts. You can subscribe by sending an email to mailto:moneyforhire@rapidreply.net You can get my latest marketing course "Advertising Today" by sending an email to mailto:advertisingtoday@rapidreply.net

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