Energetic Healing

Written by Dr. Ulla Sebastian

Continued from page 1

Are you wondering how that works?

This is possible because underneathrepparttar reality that we are used to see, there is a deeper level of existence that extends itself beyond time and space. Quantum physicists call this realityrepparttar 114314 quantum field or a holomovement.

Eastern tradition knew about it asrepparttar 114315 giant web in which each one has an important role to play. Each person makes a difference, be it good or bad.

We all haverepparttar 114316 capacity to pick up information from a field of knowledge that is invisible to our eyes. If you are sitting in a room and you suddenly getrepparttar 114317 idea that you should waterrepparttar 114318 plants, you are actually picking up information fromrepparttar 114319 plants.

We call that capacity intuition. It is a capacity of our right brain to perceive information in a holistic, imaginative language. We all have that capacity available but because our educational system strongly focuses onrepparttar 114320 rational mind we are not trained to use this capacity consciously.

We know from brain research thatrepparttar 114321 brain has a set of filters that only lets that information pass that make sense to us in terms of past experiences. This limited view of reality helps us to stay sane in a world that otherwise would flood and overwhelm us with too much information that is constantly streaming intorepparttar 114322 brain. With training, you can learn to expandrepparttar 114323 filters and bring in more awareness.

Just use this day to see how many information you pick up on a fly, kind of half-conscious or as an image or just a knowing. You may be amazed

Dr. Ulla Sebastian is a well-known author, trainer and psychotherapist. Her work spans a wide range of themes for professional and personal growth based on the above principles. Her work is the result of forty years of research, work with thousands of people from all over the world and a lifelong experience of selfgrowth and transformation. Visit her website http://www.visioform.com for free courses, distance courses, books, ebooks and articles.

Raising Happy Diabetic Kids Part III Help Your Child Develop Self-Control

Written by Russell Turner

Continued from page 1

How To Develop Self-Control: By raising our children within a framework of proper discipline we encourage self-control in them. We aren’t going to berepparttar boss forever. We are teaching our children to be responsible for themselves. There are three main components to Self-Control. They are habit (hanging up their coat when they come in or doing homework before watching TV), seeingrepparttar 114313 greater good (doing without something right now in order to get something better later), andrepparttar 114314 ability to make moral judgments (doing things just because it’srepparttar 114315 right thing to do). We need to teach our children to think ahead aboutrepparttar 114316 consequences of their actions. They should also be taught to accept responsibility for what they do. They need to be taught to make proper rules and to stick to them. Our kids need to learn to accept disappointment. And also to trust their own judgment. When children learn to see what needs to be done, stick with it until it is done, and not do it just because someone told them to or because they know it will make us happy, then we can pat ourselves onrepparttar 114317 back.

This is our goal in teaching our children good diabetes control. It will help them realize not only that they have to do it but that they should do it. We as parents of diabetic children have been entrusted with a very difficult and special task. By holding up our end ofrepparttar 114318 responsibility for helping our children develop self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-control, we are preparing them to grow into adults that number one can and will take proper care of their health. And will in turn raiserepparttar 114319 next generation of happy kids, our grandchildren.

Russell Turner is the father of a 10 year old Type 1 diabetic daughter. After diagnosis he found all kinds of medical information about diabetes on the internet. What he couldn't find was information about how to prepare his child and family to live with this disease. He started a website for parents of newly diagnosed diabetic children http://mychildhasdiabetes.com

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