Employee or Independent Contractor?

Written by Tony Novak

Continued from page 1

These 20 factors are taken from IRS Revenue Ruling 87?41. There is no set number of factors that must be in your favor, sorepparttar idea is to get as much insurance as possible. We suggest that you meet 15 out of 20 ofrepparttar 106701 factors in your favor to be “safe”.

1. Doesrepparttar 106702 principal provide instructions torepparttar 106703 worker about when, where, and how he or she is to performrepparttar 106704 work? 2. Doesrepparttar 106705 principal provide training torepparttar 106706 worker? 3. Arerepparttar 106707 services provided byrepparttar 106708 worker integrated intorepparttar 106709 principal's business operations? 4. Mustrepparttar 106710 services be rendered personally byrepparttar 106711 worker? 5. Doesrepparttar 106712 principal hire, supervise and pay assistants torepparttar 106713 worker? 6. Is there a continuing relationship betweenrepparttar 106714 principal andrepparttar 106715 worker? 7. Doesrepparttar 106716 principal setrepparttar 106717 work hours and schedule? 8. Doesrepparttar 106718 worker devote substantially full time torepparttar 106719 business ofrepparttar 106720 principal? 9. Isrepparttar 106721 work performed onrepparttar 106722 principal's premises? 10. Isrepparttar 106723 worker required to performrepparttar 106724 services in an order or sequence set byrepparttar 106725 principal? 11. Isrepparttar 106726 worker required to submit oral or written reports torepparttar 106727 principal? 12. Isrepparttar 106728 worker paid byrepparttar 106729 hour, week, or month? 13. Doesrepparttar 106730 principal payrepparttar 106731 business or traveling expenses ofrepparttar 106732 worker? 14. Doesrepparttar 106733 principal furnish significant tools, materials and equipment? 15. Doesrepparttar 106734 worker have a significant investment in facilities? 16. Canrepparttar 106735 worker realize a profit or loss as a result of his or her services? 17. Doesrepparttar 106736 worker provide services for more than one firm at a time? 18. Doesrepparttar 106737 worker make his or her services available torepparttar 106738 general public? 19. Doesrepparttar 106739 principal haverepparttar 106740 right to dischargerepparttar 106741 worker at will? 20. Canrepparttar 106742 worker terminate his or her relationship withrepparttar 106743 principal any time he or she wishes without incurring liability torepparttar 106744 principal?

If you cannot easily meetrepparttar 106745 standards of this 20-point test, don’t worry yet. There is another “safe harbor” provision added torepparttar 106746 tax law a few years ago. If you can show that a substantial portion of your industry uses sub-contractors inrepparttar 106747 same status as your particular position, then you are safe in considering yourself also as a sub-contractor. The difficulty in relying on this safe harbor test is that you need to be reactive to your industry andrepparttar 106748 IRS, rather than be pro-active in designing your business relationships forrepparttar 106749 effect that you desire.

Tony Novak, MBA, MT is a writer and financial adviser in Narberth, PA focusing on tax and employee benefit issues. His businesses www.MedSave.com and Freedom Benefits Association provide online benefits enrollment for thousands of individuals and businesses nationwide.

Using Consumer Reports' Health Plan Ratings

Written by Tony Novak

Continued from page 1

The highest-ranking private national PPO plan was Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS). This was great to see because I've always recommended PHCS and personally felt they wererepparttar best option forrepparttar 106700 largest group of buyers, but I had no hard evidence to back up this opinion.

PHCS health plans are available in some form to everyone in all 50 states through a variety of insurance plans and uninsured plans. The insurance plans are available to perhaps 80% of small businesses and 50% of healthy individuals, but individuals with health problems will have trouble finding one of these plans. Beware ofrepparttar 106701 uninsured “discount plans”. The concept is good, butrepparttar 106702 price is not. It is highly unlikely that this is a good financial deal for any buyer. Unfortunately these plans are hyped onrepparttar 106703 Web and junk e-mail torepparttar 106704 point where we cannot seem to get away from them.

The most attractive feature ofrepparttar 106705 PHSC health network plans is that they often can be combined with other cost-saving plan design features like preferred-risk and preferred-industry discounts, high deductible plans and Medical Savings Accounts. With high deductible plans, keep in mind that you still benefit from direct in-network claims processing and substantial provider discounts even if your bill is lower thanrepparttar 106706 policy deductible. A benefits consultant can design a plan to fit almost any budget simply by adjustingrepparttar 106707 levels of insurance coverage.

Most health plans today offer a variety of PPO network choices, and it is often possible to use more than one PPO network within a single health insurance plan. In some locations a small local PPO may be strong choice, but might not even be listed inrepparttar 106708 CR rating system due to its size. Often an individual or small business located in a rural area may wisely select a PPO based solely onrepparttar 106709 participation ofrepparttar 106710 dominant hospital system in their own community despite a lower rating inrepparttar 106711 CR survey.

In any event, I think that most of us would agree that "more news is good news" when it comes to providing public information aboutrepparttar 106712 quality of our nation's health insurance plans.

Tony Novak, MBA, MT, is a writer and financial adviser based in Narberth, PA running MedSave.com and Freedom Benefits Association. His businesses provide Internet or Intranet-based benefits enrollment to hundreds of small businesses in 47 states. Novak is an online moderator and frequent contributor to “Financial Planning Interactive” and other publications in the area of tax and benefits planning. He can be reached at (877) 529-7435.

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