Email Marketing Systems to Help Boost Exposure and Profits... System #2 - Free eMarketing Kit

Written by Denise Ryder, Marketing Coach

Continued from page 1

With that said, let's look at another system to have in place forrepparttar purpose of email marketing.

What we are going to do is put together a free eMarketing Kit which will consist of four items:

1. A newsletter subscription A newsletter is a fantastic way to follow up with a prospect and of course to further inrepparttar 144117 developing of trust and rapport with prospects, or as you have no doubt read about..."relationship marketing."

2. A Sponsor Announcement This can be an ad for your affiliate program or anything else that you are marketing.

3. An eCourse/Report Another list building tool for you, whether you gorepparttar 144118 eCourse route orrepparttar 144119 Report routerepparttar 144120 key points to remember is that: 1.repparttar 144121 piece is information based and is going to helprepparttar 144122 propsect. 2. Load it into an autoresponder so that you can capturerepparttar 144123 name and email address.

4. A viral marketing tool This can be an ebook that is customized with your name, site address and/or email address. A propsect can have it forrepparttar 144124 cost of their name and email address and in return they can use it on their site. Now you have a name on a list and of course you are leveraging your marketing efforts through them. Take it one step further and offer your prospectrepparttar 144125 choice to customize your ebook with their information for a small fee and you have just added an income stream intorepparttar 144126 mix. Now how cool is that???

You write a "sales page" (yes, even for a freebie kit like this) and haverepparttar 144127 items in place with little graphics, lay it out so it looks professional and not just slapped together. Set up "A" pop-up and place it on your site and an enticement and of course write classified ads directing people to your free eMarketing Kit and you are away torepparttar 144128 races.

-----NOTE----- I know that people hate pop-ups but they do work. The unfortunate thing is that many went over-board with them and because of that it ruined it forrepparttar 144129 rest of us who use pop-ups properly. One pop-up is ok - try it and see how your return rate is ------------------

This whole system takes about 30 minutes to maybe an hour tops to put together.

If you want to see a eMarketing System in place like this already then go to Follow through repparttar 144130 steps and learn how you can use this very same system on your site as well. If you want to go further and research more email marketing systems like this one, then check out for a series of 12 systems to help with your email marketing campaigns.

There you have it. A system that is so easy anyone, regardless of their level of internet experience can put together. It just takes 4 enticements that are easy enough to find and you're off torepparttar 144131 races ;o)

Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home office in Northern Ontario (Canada). Hey...are you a do-it yourself marketer? Are you struggling a little? Need just a little help??? Can you imagine how far your business could grow with a Marketing Coach in your pocket??? Take a no cost Test Drive TODAY!!

How To Show the Honesty and Build Trust

Written by Denise Ryder, Marketing Coach

Continued from page 1

Don't tell me that I will get my ad sent to 1700+ safelist members, when in actual fact my ad is going to 1743. Again, if it is going to 1723 members then be specific.

Specifics are more believable.

You tell me...If I told you I sent an article out with a resource to an ebook and sold 24 copies in 3 days. Or that I almost made $350.00 which do you believe?

When in doubt...actually there should be no doubt. ALWAYS be specific.

Suggestion #3: Prove It To Me...

If you are promoting a weight loss product that you have used then show berepparttar before and after photos. If you have won 35 awards, then show me repparttar 144116 pictures. If you are making money through a given program then show merepparttar 144117 money...or I mean your checks or statements.

The proof is inrepparttar 144118 show merepparttar 144119 pudding ;o)

> Pictures - before and after > Bank Statements (Clickbank, Paypal...etc)

Suggestion #4: Testimonials...

It's one thing to show or explainrepparttar 144120 results you are getting by using a product/service, but when you show me there are others, again like me, also getting results..then "Hey, put me in coach!"

Testimonials prove that others besides you are getting results, that if you can do it, others can do it too. However, there is a key to using testimonials and here it is.

Use a wide variety of testimonials. Seerepparttar 144121 thing here is that one ofrepparttar 144122 things you have to prove is that THEY (your prospect) can do it. If you use a variety of testimonials then there will be some from people who they can relate and identify with. Which shows them again, these guys are just like me and yes, if they can do it, then so can I.

Word of advice...when you ask for your testimonials make sure they followrepparttar 144123 same suggestions that I have given you above. Make sure they are specific and repparttar 144124 testimonial provider tells their story.

Suggestion #5: How Come??

Tell your customers why you are making such a great offer.

No one believes that you have slashed your price because you are such a great person. However, if you say you want to get your product inrepparttar 144125 hands of another bunch of customers to gather more proven testimonials, then, that would work.

When you are making an incredible offer then state why, give a reason for doing it and be honest. It truly is a big credibility/trust booster.

Again, it boils down to people NOT wanting to be SOLD they WANT to BUILD a RELATIONSHIP. Business is about relationships. The one you have with your customer is of prime importance because once it has developed you'll reaprepparttar 144126 benefits of profits...and even repeat profits.

How cool is that!!

If you don't have a checklist to follow about how to write a good profit-pulling sales letter, then takerepparttar 144127 time out and get your hands on Turning Browsers Into Buyers. It will take you step-by-step through allrepparttar 144128 elements which make a good sales letter and don't forget to add inrepparttar 144129 tips above

Denise Ryder is a Marketing Coach writing from her home office in Northern Ontario (Canada). Hey...are you a do-it yourself marketer? Are you struggling a little? Need just a little help??? Can you imagine how far your business could grow with a Marketing Coach in your pocket??? Take a no cost Test Drive TODAY!!

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