Email Marketing Is Alive And Well

Written by Lisa O'Connor

Continued from page 1
If you are going to use your autoresponder to handle your ezine/e-newsletter, make sure it can handle your subscribe and unsubscribe tasks. Your autoresponder can stay in contact with your customers informing them of new products/services, follow-up on sales, reminder of your products benefits, etc. Ezine Advertising ----------------- You can find ezines on practically every subject underrepparttar sun. Most people subscribe to at least one ezine that they receive by email on a regular basis. Ezine advertising is a great way to market your product/service. Do a search for ezines relative to what you offer and sign up (the majority of ezine/e-newsletters are free to join!). Some offer free advertising, some offer contests to win free advertising, most offer very reasonable advertising rates. Solo mailings arerepparttar 109593 most effective form of ezine/e-newsletter advertising. Your ad is sent, alone, torepparttar 109594 ezine's entire subscriber base! You could also find affordable advertising through ezine co-ops. Purchasing advertising through an ezine co-op will place your classified ad in numerous ezines for one price. You'll be added to each ezine's subscriber base. Most ask that you stay subscribed until your ad is run. Here are some great co-ops to check out; Essential Team http:/ EzineAd.Net http:/ 2Bucks an Ad http:/ My Wizard Ads http:/ Here are two sites where you can earn free advertising; Free Solo Ads Free Ezine Advertising Signature Tags -------------- Signature tags are little blurbs atrepparttar 109595 end of your email messages. They should be about 2-3 lines total length. Make sure they include your website address or business email address. Signature tags are a great way to get in some free advertising. Include them each email you send out! You could also partner with someone who has a product/service relative to yours. Each time they send out an email your signature tag is included and vice versa. Letterhead ---------- Make and save an email template (in notepad or similar program) and put your advertisement atrepparttar 109596 top of each email you send out! Again, keep this short, about 2-3 lines maximum. Each time you send out an email, insert your template first before composing your message. Your ad will berepparttar 109597 first thing seen each time your message is read!

Yes, email marketing is alive and well! With aggressive and effective email marketing you should successfully grow your business! Marketing = prospects = customers!

Lisa O'Connor is the editor of Womanhood ezine. An ezine in beautiful color dedicated to empowerment, education, enrichment, and support of women from all walks of life. Articles, resources, helpful links, opportunities and much more. Subscribe and receive a free gift!

A Cost Effective Way to Advertise Online . . . Permission E-Mail Marketing

Written by Robin Nobles

Continued from page 1

3. Respond to your e-mail or torepparttar questions asked onrepparttar 109592 form within 24 hours, if not sooner. When people go online looking for something, they usually send e-mail out to 5-6 companies. If your company isrepparttar 109593 first to respond, and if you've takenrepparttar 109594 time to answerrepparttar 109595 questions professionally and thoughtfully, you'll have a jump over those other companies, many of which won't even answerrepparttar 109596 e-mail at all.

4. Always provide a way to "opt-out" of your e-mail list. Make it very clear how your subscribers can choose not to receiverepparttar 109597 newsletter or e-mail any longer, and then immediately unsubscribe them when they write to you. Remember: having permission to sendrepparttar 109598 e-mail inrepparttar 109599 first place by only adding those who have contacted you and expressed an interest in your product, and giving those people a way to get off your mailing list, will differentiate you fromrepparttar 109600 millions of e-mail spammers that have given e-mail marketing such a bad name.

5. Take time in creating your subject line for your e-mail marketing campaign. Make sure it doesn't sound "spammy" in any way. Including your name or company name is a possibility, as well as describingrepparttar 109601 focus ofrepparttar 109602 e-mail. With these new e-mail programs that combat spam, if you use a subject line like, "We've got GREAT news for you!" or "Hi, Friend!," you can expectrepparttar 109603 e-mail to be deleted without ever making it to your potential customer.

How can you learn effective permission e-mail marketing strategies?

Stephen Mahaney attributes much of his online success to effective permission e-mail marketing. He's even gone so far as to write a course onrepparttar 109604 subject, which I've personally reviewed. It offers a step-by-step approach on how to create an effective permission e-mail marketing list and how to market to that list. The course even comes packaged with a full version software program for merging each message withrepparttar 109605 people on your list so they'll each get a personalized e-mail.

So, with Time Magazine pushingrepparttar 109606 importance of e-mail marketing torepparttar 109607 forefront of marketing online, here's information about Stephen's "Business Guide to Permission Email Marketing" course and software:

How effective is permission e-mail marketing?

Traditionally, permission e-mail marketing campaigns result in a significantly higher response rate than traditional direct marketing or other forms of online advertising, such as banner ads. According to,repparttar 109608 response rate for a typical permission e-mail marketing campaign is 4-12%, where asrepparttar 109609 response rate for a banner ad is .5-1%. Quite a difference.

According to, DoubleClick projects that e-mail marketing budgets will increase by 17.0% in 2002, which is nearly twicerepparttar 109610 rate of other types of online marketing, which are expected to gain 9.0%. TV, print and radio budgets are all expected to decrease. Not only that, DoubleClick reports that 61% of marketers plan to increase their e-mail marketing budget in 2002.

Forrester Research estimates thatrepparttar 109611 total spending for e-mail marketing services inrepparttar 109612 United States will reach $2 billion byrepparttar 109613 end of this year. ?email_mktg&PHPSESSID=f564eda06be98116905028b857b834c4

So, hit whilerepparttar 109614 iron is hot, and permission e-mail marketing is certainly "hot" right now! Learn how to use it effectively, and then watch those profits increase!

Robin Nobles, Director of Training, Academy of Web Specialists, ( has trained several thousand people in her online search engine marketing courses. She also teaches 4-day hands on search engine marketing workshops in locations across the globe with Search Engine Workshops (

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