Email List Rental

Written by John McCabe

Continued from page 1

Prior to broadcasting, many will “ping” their file – sending out a message that determines whether an email address is still alive. They will also over broadcast to ensure that if you pay for 10,000 email addresses that your message gets to 10,000 people. Responsible owners also ensure any bouncebacks and fails are excluded from future email broadcasts, and will then go throughrepparttar verification process to ascertain a new contact email address forrepparttar 109572 recipient.

Good email brokers know which list owners takerepparttar 109573 quality issue seriously and which don’t. It will almost always pay to use a broker rather than approaching a list owner direct.

Why can’t I have them to broadcast my self?

The only lists you should consider renting have an opt-in status. This means thatrepparttar 109574 recipient has explicitly agreed to receive third party promotional emails fromrepparttar 109575 list owner. Ifrepparttar 109576 list owner was to releaserepparttar 109577 email addresses to third parties, they would lose control ofrepparttar 109578 messages being sent.

Who broadcastsrepparttar 109579 emails?

List owners often haverepparttar 109580 facilities to broadcast themselves, but as often as not they will contract a large specialist broadcaster to send your message on their behalf. This way they don’t haverepparttar 109581 bandwidth, bounceback, and failure issues.

How do I know that a broadcast has been done?

Some broadcasters are able to provide results real time through logging on to dedicated websites. Others will issue reports via email direct from their servers. Typically you will get results telling you;

· How many email were sent · How many live connections were achieved · How many bounced back or failed · How many recipients openedrepparttar 109582 message and thereforerepparttar 109583 open rate · How many recipients clicked through on each link and thereforerepparttar 109584 click through rate · How many unsubscribed from receiving further emails from you

You should always insist that you are seeded onrepparttar 109585 file so that you will seerepparttar 109586 transmission when it happens.

What do I do now?

Things can go wrong but don’t be put off as there are now a number of good email consultancies and management companies that can walk you throughrepparttar 109587 process, and hopefully avoidrepparttar 109588 pitfalls. They will take you throughrepparttar 109589 process from concept to completion – sourcingrepparttar 109590 right list, negotiating a price, creation of html, broadcastingrepparttar 109591 message and tracking & reportingrepparttar 109592 results.

Sorepparttar 109593 first port of call is go and get a good company to help. I recommend talking to a broker not an owner. Then ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for things in writing – this often sortsrepparttar 109594 wheat fromrepparttar 109595 chaff. Issue a List Broker brief, and make it detailed. Concentrate your efforts then on good creative – short, concise and attractive. Then sit back, allowrepparttar 109596 broker or consultancy to do their work. There are no guarantees in this world but you can be safe inrepparttar 109597 knowledge that you have done everything possible to ensure your initiative hasrepparttar 109598 best chance of being successful.

If you would like me to help, send mailto:

John McCabe is the co-founder of UK Marketing Management a specialist direct marketing agency based in the UK. He has 15 years experience of developing direct marketing campaigns in a variety of industries. During the last four years he has concentrated on email marketing, both as a corporate end user and as an agency. During this time he has helped develop the media with list owners, broadcasters and clients - pushing up service levels and quality of data.

Email List Proposal

Written by John McCabe

Continued from page 1

Click through rates and open rates achieved previously: < May not always be available or appropriate >

Recency: < How old arerepparttar names and whatrepparttar 109571 guarantee of connectivity is >

Costs: < Full breakdown ofrepparttar 109572 CPM (cost per thousand) inclusive of any broadcast, selection and tracking charges, should be detailed here >

Terms of payment: < Usually prepayment – but details should be given here >

For mor info send Mailto:

John McCabe is the co-founder of UK Marketing Management,a specialist direct marketing agency based in the UK. He has 15 years experience of developing direct marketing campaigns in a variety of industries. During the last four years he has concentrated on email marketing, both as a corporate end user and as an agency. During this time he has helped develop the media with list owners, broadcasters and clients - pushing up service levels and quality of data.

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