Email Insights for Your Internet Business!

Written by Jill Lewis

Continued from page 1

You will often see abbreviations in e-mailrepparttar same as you would on message boards, mainly because people are generally lazy typists. Here are just a few ofrepparttar 109651 most widely used:

AFAIK As far as I know BTW Byrepparttar 109652 way IANAL I am not a lawyer, (but…) IMHO In my humble opinion ROTFL Rolling onrepparttar 109653 floor laughing RSN Real soon now RTM Readrepparttar 109654 Manual TIA Thanks in advance

Another biggy in Internet Marketing is spamming! Spam is otherwise known as unwanted e-mail, or junk e-mail that usually promotes unsavory advertising for get-rich-quick schemes or even pornographic offers. The practice of sending these unwanted e-mails is called spamming. E-mail is only considered spam if it is unsolicited. Meaning if you ask for it directly or indirectly, then it isn't spam. My advice – Don't ever spam. You could be kicked off your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and worse.

Lastly, you need to understand about viruses. These days most viruses are spread via e-mail, as attachments to mail messages. Therefore don't ever open attachments from people you don't know, and even people you do know if you weren't expecting it. The Melissa virus fromrepparttar 109655 spring of '99 replicated itself by sending copies of itself torepparttar 109656 first 50 people in your address book, people who know you. It is also advisable to get a firewall (a security system for your computer), if you are going to spend any significant time onrepparttar 109657 Internet, especially if you have a cable modem.

Hopefully, these tidbits of advice will help you in your Internet adventures. So remember, always play nice, take precautions, and treat others as you would like to be treated.

Jill Lewis is webmaster of, Free Netinsights for Your Internet Business. Get the latest tips and tricks on Internet marketing by subscribing to her free Netinsights series of reports, and receive two free e-books as a bonus.

All The E-mails I Can Handle.

Written by Christopher Michaels

Continued from page 1
with a new business. Then you would know where I stand. So please do your part and give another a chance at something great. Just send me and email. Thank You For Your Time.

Christopher Michael Best Fashioned Recipes Cookbooks

A plain and ordinary simple man who has started his own business. I search the web and mostly all of the internet bases for search engines and email links. Trying to find ways to improve and grow "My", internet business.

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