Email - Is it Still a Promotional Tool?

Written by Francisco Aloy

Continued from page 1

The prevailing policy at ISP's is to punishrepparttar worthy andrepparttar 124642 innocent. Throwrepparttar 124643 baby out withrepparttar 124644 bathwater! Perhapsrepparttar 124645 government's present policies will be modified by Court rulings giving businesses access to review panels that will ascertainrepparttar 124646 merit of ISP's blacklisting. Soap Box Issue:

The alarm should be sent out: Fair is fair! ISP's and email recipients alike should know there are responsibilities associated when you sign up to receive a Marketer's email.

All honest, hard working marketers should be givenrepparttar 124647 option of presenting their side, inrepparttar 124648 light of day!

OK, done withrepparttar 124649 Soap Box!

With allrepparttar 124650 bad things happening to email, it has become a necessity for companies to further specialize and call uponrepparttar 124651 services of mail processors. They do nothing but handle large volumes of email responsibly and efficiently, such as: aWeber, Getresponse, eMail Aces and so on.

The need forrepparttar 124652 above services is an obvious one because they are specialist in email delivery, don't cost all that much and do a good job. They have policies in place to make sure all their accounts are opt in and police their members for compliance. Besides, who inrepparttar 124653 world has got enough time to do their own whitelisting?

Careful planning and due consideration should be given to how your Web business deals with email since it is one ofrepparttar 124654 most powerful marketing tools. It will go a long way to make your enterprise a success.


by Francisco Aloy

(C)2004 Francisco Aloy =============================================== Agreement reminder, not part ofrepparttar 124655 article: Please include my working hyperlink inrepparttar 124656 resource box. Remove paragraph before posting.

Francisco Aloy is the author of "Yes, I Want to Start My Internet Business Without Being SCAMMED!." He has an online business catering to the needs of the Newbie Net Entrepreneur. Visit his site to see more of Mr. Aloy's articles.

Boost your web sales with streaming audio

Written by Steve Nichols

Continued from page 1

Q. What do listeners need to have on their computer? A. A soundcard and speaker(s) or headphones, their normal browser software and a so-called plug-in – a small piece of software that convertsrepparttar data into sound.

Q. This all sounds expensive. Is it? A. Not really. You can get free programs to record your sound, a computer microphone costs less than a tenner and there are free audio editing programs available onrepparttar 124641 net. You then need to convertrepparttar 124642 audio file to a streaming format, but there is an increasing amount of software available to do that too. You also need to think about a MiniDisc recorder as these have superseded cassette tape for most applications. Royalty-free background and intro music is available on CD and viarepparttar 124643 web for a small fee.

I recommend MP3SoundStream ( Its great, very easy to use and only costs $39.95. Another alternative is Sound Streamer at $34.95 (

Q. What isrepparttar 124644 quality like? A. Judge for yourself - visit and listen torepparttar 124645 demonstration programmes. The trick is to getrepparttar 124646 quality as high as you can, but still make it playable on an average modem-equipped home computer. Once everyone has broadband it will be CD-quality for all.

Q. How do I find out more? A. There is a great ebook available called Audio C4 ( It only costs $29.95 and is worth its weight in gold. There is a list of useful links at


Q. This all sounds expensive - is it? A. Not really. You can get free programs to record your sound, a computer microphone costs virtually nothing and there are free audio editing programs available onrepparttar 124647 net. You then need to convertrepparttar 124648 audio file to a streaming format, but there is an increasing amount of software available to do that too

I recommend MP3SoundStream ( Its great, very easy to use and only costs $39.95. Another alternative is Sound Streamer at $34.95 ( or Audio Maker Pro ( You also need to think about a MiniDisc recorder as these have superseded cassette tape for most applications. Royalty-free background and intro music is available on CD and viarepparttar 124649 web for a small fee.

Q. How do I find out more? A. There is a great ebook available called Audio C4. It only costs $29.95 and is worth its weight in gold.

Q. What isrepparttar 124650 quality like? A. Judge for yourself - visit and listen torepparttar 124651 demonstration programmes. The trick is to getrepparttar 124652 quality as high as you can, but still make it playable on an average modem-equipped home computer. Once everyone has broadband it will be CD-quality for all.

Steve Nichols is a freelance journalist who runs InfoTech Communications ( A background in radio means that Steve was ideally placed to take advantage of the arrival of streaming audio via the web.

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