Elliptical Trainer Calories Burned

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

Continued from page 1

This will not only push your body further and burn more calories during your workout - but it can also elevate your calorie burn for up to 24 hours after your workout.

- Use Upper Body Arms

Many ellipticals offer you upper body arm bars that you can use to build your arms muscles into your workout. More muscles worked = more calories burned. If there are no upper body arms, grab a couple of 2 - 5 pounds handweights and swing your arms while striding.

- Take Advantage ofrepparttar Forward and Backward Directions

Using more muscles (and one you may not have used before) also ups your calorie burn, even after your workout. So take advantage ofrepparttar 149613 fact that most ellipticals allow you to go forward and backward. Switch up your routine every few minutes to up your calorie burn.

- Break up your Workout

Experts are now telling us that 2 mini-workouts may even be better than 1 long workout as far as calories burned. Why?

Any exercise will temporarily rev up your metabolism - so if you can do 15 - 20 minutes inrepparttar 149614 morning, and 15 - 20 minutes inrepparttar 149615 afternoon, your metabolism will stay charged up for a longer time. (If you can't do this, don't worry - remember that a 30 minute workout will still burn more calories than a 15 minute workout!)

So there are some tips to skyrocket your calorie burn on your elliptical. Good luck and have fun blasting those calories!

Kathryn O'Neill is the chief editor for Elliptical Trainer Review

For more buying tips, elliptical brand reviews, and best buys visit http://www.ellipticaltrainerreview.com

Diet and Exercise – Without Going to the Gym

Written by Robb Ksiazek

Continued from page 1

  • Recycle gallon milk and juice jugs. A gallon of water weighs almost 8 ˝ pounds. The jugs even come with a convenient carrying handle. One in each hand is enough resistance for toning arm curls.
  • Think thin and fit. We forgetrepparttar power ofrepparttar 149528 mind and its ability to healrepparttar 149529 body. Concentrate on your exercises and dieting feats as you perform them. You’ll create a life changing mindset that is necessary to achieving your goals.
  • Taking control over your weight and diet is only a couple steps away. Use common sense and think of simple solutions that you can do at home. Set good, aggressive goals in your endeavors, but break them down into smaller sub-goals so you can see your progress without getting discouraged. Reevaluate your goals as you go and make changes without losing sight ofrepparttar 149530 end goal.

    Robb Ksiazek is a successful author and publisher for Body-Mass-Index-4U.com. He believes in simple solutions in the quest for a fulfilled life through mind, body, and soul experiences.

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