Elliptical Trainer Benefits

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

Continued from page 1

· Fights Boredom & Great For Crosstraining

Because elliptical trainers are a mix betweenrepparttar treadmill and a stair climber you have a great opportunity to cross-train.

I was actually shocked when, after using my elliptical for a month, I could easily climb a very steep hill that had almost wiped me out before. My fitness level had skyrocketed and I didn't even know it.

Plus,repparttar 112859 fact that you can move backwards on an elliptical as well as download workout programs fromrepparttar 112860 Internet (with iFit compatibility that many ellipticals offer), you won't get bored easily. That means more workouts and more calories burned!

· Space Efficient

Most elliptical trainers are smaller than a treadmill and can be more easily moved to clean or to store away when company is coming. If you are cramped for space or have a smaller home gym, an elliptical trainer can be a great way to save space while getting an overall body workout

So those are some ofrepparttar 112861 most prevalent benefits of using an elliptical trainer.

Keep in mind that elliptical trainers are not for everyone. However they do offer some great workout features that would benefit any athlete - from beginner to elite!

Kathryn O'Neill is the chief editor for Elliptical Trainer Review

For more buying tips, elliptical brand reviews, and best buys visit http://www.ellipticaltrainerreview.com

Walking for Your Health

Written by J. Raizel

Continued from page 1

Walking is more effective if maintaining or controlling your body weight. Walking at a faster pace can help improving cardiovascular function and fitness level, while walking at a slower pace can help building up endurance because of longer exercise time. In this case, speed and distance does matter. The faster andrepparttar further a person walks,repparttar 112858 more calories he will use. So, what to do now? Depends on your goals, if you want to lose weight and love walking, you can combine them together in your exercise schedule, 2-3 times a week for high intensity cardio or aerobic exercise and 2-3 times a week walking with your family, and make sure be free one or two days. If you want to reduce risk of diseases or maintaining body weight / health, walking 2-3 times a week will help.

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