Eliminating Heavy Metal Toxins Naturally

Written by Patricia Valle

Continued from page 1

Some health care professional recommend chelation therapy to remove heavy metals fromrepparttar body. This type of therapy uses a synthetic amino acid EDTA, that may be injected intorepparttar 115486 bloodstream, or an oral chelate may be used instead. The American Heart Association and other scientific organizations have spoken out against this type of treatment. When considering a heavy metal detox program, it's important to check out all options first. All dental amalagam fillings should be removed by a qualified dentist who specializes in doing it properly. Drink plenty of purified water, use only natural deoderants and cosmetics, avoid antacids and cigarette smoking, and replace aluminum cookware with stainless steel. Detox often if exposed to roofing materials, or if you work or live next to a gas station, or any place that emits or handles dangerous toxic chemicals.

Safe and effective methods of eliminating heavy metals can be found at any health food store:

Cilantro - binds sorepparttar 115487 body can remove metals throughrepparttar 115488 urine. Apple pectin - binds and eliminates heavy metals. Chlorella and algae - binds and removes toxins as well as replaces minerals and nutrients. N-Acetyl Cysteine - stimulates detoxification inrepparttar 115489 liver. Milk Thistle - supportsrepparttar 115490 liver and helps cleanse and detoxify. Alpha Lipoic Acid - anitoxidant.

Juicing with fresh fruits and vegetables is another way of riddingrepparttar 115491 body of unwanted toxins and heavy metals. Beneficial juices include carrots, beets, kale, spinach, garlic, wheat grass, barley grass, parsley, and cilantro. Other choices are fruits such as grapes, cherries, grapefruit, blueberries, and lemons. Juicing not only suppliesrepparttar 115492 body with masaive amounts of nutrition, but it flushes and cleanses allrepparttar 115493 organs, balances metabolism, and aids in effective enzyme acitvity. It is very important to use only organic fruits and vegetables which are free of insecticides, pesticicides and chemicals. Additional fiber should be added such as psyllium and steel cut oats. Make sure you drink plenty of distilled water to flush out allrepparttar 115494 toxic substances.

Patricia is a nutrition consultant at a major health food store. She also writes articles on alternative health, nutrition and herbal remedies for several newsletters.

A Simple Strategy for Managing ADD

Written by ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

Continued from page 1
can help liftrepparttar spirits – and self-esteem – of ADDers. Here are some ways in which you can increaserepparttar 115485 time you spend thinking about your strengths and interests: * Make a list of all your accomplishments in life – both large and small – and post this list where you’ll see it often * Make a list of allrepparttar 115486 things you do well, and all repparttar 115487 things you like to do – and post this list, too * Keep a journal or notebook in which you detail all your daily successes * Accept every compliment you receive with a smile and a “thank you” After you have spent some time thinking about your strengths and accomplishments, you can take this knowledge and self-awareness a step further by setting some small goals for yourself that involve your strengths and interests. If you’re good with people, maybe you’d like to try volunteering at a homeless shelter or senior center. If you like dancing, perhaps you can take a class every week. We all deserve to spend time doing what we like to do, and not just what we have to do. So allow yourself to appreciate your strengths and interests, and treat yourself torepparttar 115488 luxury of enjoying them! Chances are, it will make you a much happier person.

Jennifer Koretsky is an ADD Coach who helps people find peace through ADD management. She encourages them to increase self-awareness and focus on their strengths and talents to achieve meaningful goals and transform their lives. She offers private and group coaching, teleclasses, and a free e-newsletter. For more information, please visit http://www.ADDmanagement.com

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