Elements of Successful Trading

Written by Rob Hall

Continued from page 1

(Money management is so absolutely vital to successful trading, and investing it cannot be expressed enough.)

2) The trend is your friend

The “trend is your friend" is an old trading expression that’s been around for generations, and is as true today as in past years.

The laws of physics states that a body in motion stays in motion, inrepparttar same direction. This also holds true for market trends.

Market trends keep moving inrepparttar 100507 same direction until they stop and reverse themselves.

So, ifrepparttar 100508 trend is up, you want to be "long"repparttar 100509 markets to profit from repparttar 100510 trend.

3) Do not argue withrepparttar 100511 market

Many traders and investors have trouble acceptingrepparttar 100512 fact thatrepparttar 100513 market will always do what it wants to do.

If you are “long”repparttar 100514 market you want it to go up, but, ifrepparttar 100515 market decides it wants to go down...guess what will happen? That's right,repparttar 100516 market will go down.

This seems so obvious but many lose sight of this simple fact, and end up losing money.

Then, they blamerepparttar 100517 market for their losses.

Rob Hall is a successful futures trader, President & CEO of his own investment firm, and international author. His books on learning to trade futures markets are distributed through Sumas International Sales Ltd. View them at http://www.futuresopps.com/Commodities.htm

The Difference Between Investing and Trading

Written by Rob Hall

Continued from page 1

Jewelry, art, stamps, and collectibles are still other examples of investing where they are kept for a long time inrepparttar hope their value appreciates. Trading

Trading is also investing butrepparttar 100506 time frame for a return on that investment is a much shorter period, usually a matter of a few days or weeks.

The most obvious example would be day trading where a trader is in and out of a marketrepparttar 100507 same day.

Still other trading takes place over a period from a few days to a few weeks.

Most trading takes place with individual stocks and commodities, with commodity markets beingrepparttar 100508 most predominant vehicle.

Rob Hall is a successful futures trader, President & CEO of his own investment firm, and international author. His books on learning to trade futures markets are distributed through Sumas International Sales Ltd. View them at http://www.futuresopps.com/Commodities.htm

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