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Everyone who wants no more of George Bush and company should support Ralph Nader and company. All those who have been backing unelectable Democrats, who can't defeat George Bush, should support Nader, if they really want change in Washington. It's not about electability any more. It's about sweet, real, meaningful change - reformation. Anyone but same or another Republicrat!
The Democrats are already on attack against Ralph. He knew they would be and he is running anyway. I like that. You should too. Republicans are soon going to be more worried about Ralph Nader than they ever were John Kerry. They know he is going after disenfranchised majority that will not vote for puppets. All President Nader has to do is convince them this is their best chance to change nearly everything that is wrong with system - and 2008 elections. Can we look that far ahead any more? I say Ralph Nader will get more than fifty percent of all votes cast and puppet lovers will split what remains. If America wants change, we'll have a Nader landslide victory.
He is ready to run against John Kerry and George Bush. He knows he can win, same as you and I do. Democrats are saying he'll get fewer votes than last time and cannot win. They are as wrong as they have ever been. It’s amusing to hear them begging him not to run. Watch support he gets as John Kerry goes way of Howard Dean.
Howard Dean should be supporting Ralph Nader, even though he said he would support Democratic nominee. If party is more important to Howard than principles he has been espousing, it explains why he is not Democratic nominee.
Ralph Nader is an opportunity for traditional Democrats and Republicans, moderates, liberals and conservatives; to send a powerful message to Washington, no matter who is elected President. No more corporate government. No more puppet government. Ralph has just given silent majority a voice. Ralph Nader is beginning of end of status quo and Old World Order.
President Bush was sitting pretty until now. There was not a Democrat who could beat him. He had to beat himself by messing up again between now and November. Odds are good he will or has and it isn't public knowledge yet. Republicans will be saying anyone but Kerry.
Our President does not have much chance of re-election. He's following in his daddy's footsteps don't you know? The two party madness was his best chance. If you like being ruled by corporations, vote Republicrat. If you've had enough of 20th Century scam government, Ralph Nader is only alternative at this point. One who has served people long, well and lives to do so. Someone who can be trusted. Insider government is in crisis. Must stop Ralph. Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, where are you? Let's split ticket five ways and see what happens.
Freelance writer published on websites and in newspapers.