Einstein Method To Rapid Solutions

Written by Dave Czach

Continued from page 1

For example, suppose your business sales declined. You're pulling out your hair screaming, "What happened?" Take out a sheet of paper. Write exactly what you were doing to producerepparttar sales. Such as financing, personnel, marketing, etc. Now compare that to your present situation. Noticerepparttar 106084 differences. Write down where you want to be and when. Now enterrepparttar 106085 theta-alpha brain wave level and visualize what you just wrote - includingrepparttar 106086 final successful stage. The final step is to say, "I now release these ideas and request a brilliant solution using any or all of my current resources." Now return to normal, waking consciousness and go about your day. Do not dwell onrepparttar 106087 problem any longer. Whenrepparttar 106088 idea returns, quickly stop whatever you're doing, write it down and follow it precisely.

To accessrepparttar 106089 theta-alpha brain wave level, you basically have two choices. The old-fashioned way orrepparttar 106090 "new" high- tech method. The old way is finding a mentor who will teach you meditation. Over time, you will gradually learn how to quickly accessrepparttar 106091 deep levels ofrepparttar 106092 mind. That could take years and requires extreme desire and dedication. Or you could step intorepparttar 106093 theta-alpha state of mind instantly using today's technology. Withrepparttar 106094 help of mind electronics, you can tap into "Einstein's level" by simply pressing play on your CD player.

Copyright 2003 Dave Czach.

************************************************************ This article may be reprinted and/or distributed freely provided there are no changes includingrepparttar 106095 copyright, this statement andrepparttar 106096 following Editor's Note.

Editor's Note: Dave Czach has been a part-time experiential mindbody researcher since 1993. You can contact him and find mindbody CD's at his website: http://SonicPoint.com . ************************************************************

Dave Czach has been an experiential mindbody researcher since 1993. You can contact him and find mindbody CD's at his website: http://sonicpoint.com

The New Color of Money

Written by Steve Mayes

Continued from page 1

The difference is thatrepparttar information is stored onrepparttar 106083 card (Stored Value) instead of somewhere else (Remote Access). The benefits to credit card companies in fraud prevention savings alone is worth billions of dollars per year. Inrepparttar 106084 near future each computer will be fitted with a smart card reader. E-commerce will then requirerepparttar 106085 card to be present at purchase instead of justrepparttar 106086 numbers. Personal identification numbers (PIN) will be required to userepparttar 106087 smart card, which will also haverepparttar 106088 capability to store your health info, public record info, etc. With about 264k of memory it is equal to one ofrepparttar 106089 early computers.

Merchants will be required to have credit card terminals that have smart card readers on them. Companies are already marketing terminals that read bothrepparttar 106090 magnetic strip andrepparttar 106091 micro-chip. My suggestion is to get equipment that is smart card ready now beforerepparttar 106092 prices go up withrepparttar 106093 demand. The new color of money is digital. If you are not onrepparttar 106094 superhighway then you are out of business.

Steve Mayes is Vice President of Sales & Marketing for USA Card Services in Dallas, TX. He has extensive experience consulting small businesses and has been interview by Success Magazine for outstanding achievements in his field. He can be reached at steve@usacardservices.com

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