Effective Marketing Isn't a Game!

Written by Louis Burleson

Continued from page 1

4. Positioning is something many people worry about. If you have a good, well rounded plan or method, this should fall in place, if you are patient. Spending a lot of time and money to position your business is useless, until you know what your market will buy from you. Beautiful and popular websites are only one part ofrepparttar sales process.

5. Communication strategies are very important. Know who to contact and build your business image.

6. You must have a launch plan set in place, if this applies.

7. Public relations, advertising and other types of promotion should be considered, according to your budget.

8. Next comes pricing and distribution, if this applies to you.

9. Verticle and related markets must be examined.

10. Consider international markets for a broader customer base.

11. Metrics can help but there is a cost to equip yourself with metrics. If cost is a factor, look into metrics after you acquire some experience and profits.

12. A marketing schedule needs to be mapped out. Inconsistent marketing will get you no place. Have a plan and a set schedule to promote your offer. Never get lax about that schedule.

You now have a way to get started with an effective marketing plan. No matter what you intend on selling, you must have a concrete and organized, sell-for-profit-plan.

Article by Louis Burleson of JenRich Publishing. Louis's site has helped regular folks profit online. Visit http://www.milliondollarmarketingstrategies.com for "how-to" marketing information and more. No time to visit the web site. You can download a fr*ee evaluation version here... http://shmyl.com/xzdison

Creative Marketing

Written by Rudy Hiebert

Continued from page 1
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