Eating to Gain Mass: You Need Food!

Written by Anthony Ellis

Continued from page 1

You don't have to have carbs or fat at every meal, but you must have protein. When I say protein, I am referring to high quality protein derived from animal sources. Soy protein, tofu and bean curd have their place, but for getting bigger and stronger,repparttar only protein you need to be concerned with are those found in whey, casein (cottage cheese), eggs, beef, poultry, and fish.

High Protein Foods

Whey protein


Egg whites

Chicken breasts

Turkey Breasts

Lean Beef

Fish (tuna, salmon)

Protein bar

Soy protein Isolate


High Carbohydrate Foods

Potatoes (baked, fries, hash browns)

Sweet Potatoes, yams

Oatmeal, cream of wheat, cream of rice rice


Any green leafy vegetable



All cereals (hot or cold)


Healthy Fats

Olive oil

Sunflower oil

Safflower oil

Flaxseed oil



Former "skinny guy" Anthony Ellis is the author of Gaining Mass! The most widely used weight gain program in the world.

This unique program designed to help people gain weight and build muscle, is currently being used in over 90 countries and boasts the largest private weight gain forum on the Internet, with well over 13,000 members. Please click here to learn more

Stop kidding – No home gyms allowed

Written by Rolf Rasmusson

Continued from page 1

She assured me I wouldn't needrepparttar motivation that a real gym provides, nor would we missrepparttar 112873 room lost, and that puttingrepparttar 112874 thing together would be a blast.

Also, just because I wasn't surrounded by other hard exercising chargers my tendency to be lazy and slack off wouldn't be a factor.

Thus far,repparttar 112875 only thing that's lost weight is my wallet but I'm assured perseverance would prevail.

Before starting that home exercising program I suggest seeing your doctor to check on your health condition and your brain because when you're grand kids see you trying to do your thing they'll think you lost your mind.

Having home gyms is probably a pretty good idea and I for one am all for it. My grandson looks so fit now he can't keeprepparttar 112876 girls away from him. Boy, am I glad I have a grandson.

More good gym stuff

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