Easy to grow roses

Written by Hans Dekker

Continued from page 1

Fairy Rose is also on of these easy to grow roses.

Fairy Rose is also on of these easy to grow roses. It is what rose gardeners refer to as a dwarf rose which only grows to lengths of two to three feet. Do not let this name fool you,repparttar Fairy Rose grows closely torepparttar 149820 ground and blankets quite a bit of area. It also blooms magnificently throughoutrepparttar 149821 year even throughrepparttar 149822 harsh months of July and August. Beware ofrepparttar 149823 monstrous thorns on this one. This isrepparttar 149824 one, and only deterrent I can think of to growing this one. The thorns make this plant a little more of a challenge to prune and care for but if you are willing to take it on, it can offer some eye-popping results during bloom. Overall,repparttar 149825 Fairy Rose still has my thumbs up because ofrepparttar 149826 overrepparttar 149827 top bloom power that it has.

The butterfly rose is also a great pick.

Mutablis (otherwise known asrepparttar 149828 butterfly rose) is my last pick of these easy to grow roses. It, like some ofrepparttar 149829 others, blooms constantly throughoutrepparttar 149830 year. The flowers change colors as they develop and this is a unique property that I have only observed in one other rose. The petals begin as a delicate yellow, turn to an orange color, then change to pink, and finally wind up a deep and vibrant red color. This rose is also resistant to disease and is definitely a very hardy grower.

These are just a few ofrepparttar 149831 roses that are easy to bloom and are therefore great starter roses for any rose garden. You offer yourselfrepparttar 149832 opportunity to become familiar with roses and general terms and aspects of rose gardening without becoming heavily involved by choosing a rose that is simple and easy to grow to begin your garden with. As your skill and understanding of roses develops, you can then move onto bigger challenges by planting some ofrepparttar 149833 more difficult to grow roses in your garden.

Hans is an author of the Flower Gardening section of Gardening Guides.com

Planting Roses In Your Garden

Written by Lee Dobbins

Continued from page 1

You can plant roses in fall or spring, but fall is actually best. When planting roses, inspectrepparttar roots to make sure they have not dried and if they have make sure you soak them before planting. Trim back any roots that are weak, long or broken.

Setrepparttar 149744 plant in a hole that is large enough so thatrepparttar 149745 roots can spread. The part ofrepparttar 149746 plant whererepparttar 149747 top attaches torepparttar 149748 roots (calledrepparttar 149749 bud) should be just underrepparttar 149750 surface ofrepparttar 149751 ground. Plants should be spaced 18” apart. Prunerepparttar 149752 branches back to about 8” fromrepparttar 149753 soil.

To grow good roses it is necessary to cultivate, to prune and to spray. If you have a well-cultivated bed you need not worry about watering. But if you start to water in hot weather, you must keep it up, soakingrepparttar 149754 roots thoroughly about once a week.

Spraying every 10 days guards againstrepparttar 149755 diseases and insects that attack roses. Nicotine sulphate wipes outrepparttar 149756 green lice; arsenate of lead is used against chewing insects; or sulphur and arsenate of lead may be used in a dust, as may DDT dust.

When winter approaches, protect your roses by piling sod or straw mulch around them. If you have climbing roses, removerepparttar 149757 supports and placerepparttar 149758 canes onrepparttar 149759 ground, peg them, and cover with soil mounds.

Lee Dobbins writes for http://www.backyard-garden-and-patio.com where you can find out more about gardening. Visit http://www.backyard-garden-and-patio.com/garden-flowers.html to find out more about garden flowers.

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