Easter Bunny—New Member of Our Family!

Written by Gina Woods

Continued from page 1
6. Salt/Mineral wheel—This little wheel hangs onrepparttar side ofrepparttar 110245 cage for bunny to lick. You can get them in different flavors too! 7. Chew toys—Hard wood or plastic items for bunny to chew on so that her teeth don't get too long. This will save your furniture! 8. Plastic Tray—If your cage doesn't come with a removable tray, you'll want to purchase one to put underneathrepparttar 110246 cage for catching droppings that fall outsiderepparttar 110247 litter pan. We purchased a large plastic tray from Lowes that was actually made for under a washing machine. It works! It's probably worth spending a little extra to purchase a cage that comes with a tray already. Purchasingrepparttar 110248 items separately doesn't save much andrepparttar 110249 tray won't berepparttar 110250 exact size. 9. Litter—Here's another bit of advice: Don't buy regular cat litter fromrepparttar 110251 grocery store. If you must, make sure that it is NON-clumping! I didn't learn about this until AFTER we'd already purchased a BIG container of "fast-clumping" cat litter! The reason? Bunnies tend to "nibble" atrepparttar 110252 litter, and it may "clump" in their digestive system! Not good. CareFresh Pet Bedding is highly recommended. It's made from short fiber pulp that cannot be used in paper-making. It is 100% safe and can be used for both bedding and litter. Very absorbent with superb odor control. I use it now and it works great!

That about does it forrepparttar 110253 essentials. There are plenty of "extras" that you can get too!

You'll want to make sure bunny has plenty of challenging activities and toys for mental stimulation so that he/she doesn't get bored! Boredom can lead to depression and/or excessive destruction.

It's important to realize that your bunny's behavior is usually motivated by one of three things:

1. A natural need and inclination to chew and dig. 2. A need to communicate in non-verbal ways. 3. The social structure as seen by rabbits, which all members ofrepparttar 110254 family relate to them by way of "pecking order."

These three basics of rabbit behavior arerepparttar 110255 motivation behind their actions. I highly recommend visitingrepparttar 110256 following web sites and readingrepparttar 110257 articles to learn more detailed information about your new friend. I found them all extremely helpful!

1. http://www.bunnyrabbits.org/bunnylove/bunnytraining.htm 2. http://www.rabbit.org/faq/sections/litter.html

So, if you've thought about adding a furry new member to your family, go for it! Your kids will love it and this will definitely be one Easter they won't forget!

Gina M. Woods is an artist, graphic designer, wife, and mother of three children. Please visit her web site at www.spiritwithindesigns.com for a variety of Christian gifts created from her artwork. She is also involved in affiliate marketing. Join her marketing team FREE at http://mpamads.com?u=1506492&l=4510. Get FREE step-by-step lessons & earn a steady income online. Questions and/or are welcome at ginawoods@alltel.net.

Old-fashioned Ways to Inspire Children

Written by Nicole Dean

Continued from page 1

Puppets Make puppets out of socks, paper bags, felt, cloth, or popsicle sticks. Make a stage and tell stories. Get outrepparttar video camera and capture your child's brilliance!

Musical Instruments Whether your musical instruments are home-made with a comb and wax paper or store bought, making music is a wonderful way to spendrepparttar 110244 day. Teach your child that music can be made from anything, from an old oatmeal container, to scratching two pieces of sandpaper together. Go on a walk and just listen torepparttar 110245 sounds ofrepparttar 110246 world -- music is everywhere in our lives.

Dress-up Clothes Get out old prom dresses, big hats, shirts and ties, old Halloween costumes (or buy extra pieces after Halloween for year-round fun!). Bring out a box of costumes and watchrepparttar 110247 shows with your children asrepparttar 110248 stars. Keep a camera handy to capturerepparttar 110249 fun. Also, keep an eye onrepparttar 110250 pets. Cats don't always appreciate wearing a sombrero. Trust me, I haverepparttar 110251 scars to prove it!

Doll-houses There is nothing more fun than watching your child make up stories asrepparttar 110252 family members move around in a doll house. Plus, if it is a wooden dollhouse, there isrepparttar 110253 added benefit of decorating it with some wallpaper scraps and carpet remnants! Your dollhouse could be a family heirloom if you put enough love into it.

Inrepparttar 110254 Kitchen Kids love to play Kitchen, whether it is mixing air, or getting to play with food. Give your child a great time by giving them safe kitchen utensils to play with inrepparttar 110255 bathtub. Mixing, pouring, and scooping bubbles and water entertains my children long enough for them to look pruny. Or for a fun alternative, give them puffed rice cereal and some bowls and utensils onrepparttar 110256 kitchen floor. Just plan to vacuum afterwards as there'll be quite a wonderful mess!

About the Author: Nicole is the wacky mom behind www.ShowMomTheMoney.com . She was recently awarded the WAHM Community MVP of the Year 2004 by WAHMTalkRadio.com. Nicole also owns www.ShowKidsTheFun.com - a fun site to inspire parents to keep the lines of communication open with their children.

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